java - How to release camera when camera is opened? -

my app controls camera , there have been lot of crash reports devices cannot open camera. pressing button releases camera disables background mode. pressing home button doesn't release camera, causes crash when opening camera, , yet enables background mode.

how can release camera when camera app opened?

when use android hardware camera in android application should release other application or application can use it. practice release camera before moving activity in app.

use below code -

protected void ondestroy(){    if(camera!=null){         camera.stoppreview();         camera.setpreviewcallback(null);          camera.release();         camera = null;     } } 

above code release hardware camera,which open using; method.

and if have custom preview have use in side surfacedestroyed method -

public void surfacedestroyed(surfaceholder holder) {      if(camera!=null){         camera.stoppreview();         camera.setpreviewcallback(null);          camera.release();         camera = null;     } } 

hope you.
