php - Downloading Blobs from TrueVault with spaces in the filename -

i'm using truevault rest api upload/download blobs per documentation @

to download existing blob, i'm passing blob url directly client's web browser (firefox) via php header redirect. client able download blob content truevault without issue, when using firefox i've noticed if blob being downloaded has spaces in filename, filename truncated when downloading.

for instance, if upload blob truevault filename 'test file.txt', gets downloaded firefox 'test'. i've seen behavior in other php apps , fix has been put quotes around filename in response headers, seen here.

i've traced response headers truevault when downloading , can see filename being passed client without quotes around name. since client downloading blob directly truevault, there's nothing can in code affect behavior. else seeing behavior? suggestions?

strict-transport-security:  max-age=31536000 server: gunicorn/18.0 date:   wed, 29 apr 2015 14:40:28 gmt content-type:   application/zip content-length: 11377 content-disposition:    attachment; filename=test file spaces.docx connection: keep-alive cache-control:  no-cache 

this issue addressed 4/30/2015. bringing our attention.
