csv - PHP: Filtering and posting a text file -

i have text file contains persons surname, address, time of accident , reason of accident separated white space in line. need filter file people have called in @ least 2 times same reason , echo it. i'm new php simple way. :) thank you.

edit: haven't tried since have no clue how filter file contents.

$data = array($_post['surname'], $_post['address'], $_post['time'], $_post['reason']); $info = implode("   ", $data) $info .= "\r\n"; serialize($info); file_put_contents("data.txt", $info, file_append); serialize($info); 

this how wrote file. imploded file because needed make them separated 3 white spaces, no longer matters can keep array.

the expected output should this:

surname   address   time   reason adams   railroad 5   13:20   heart attack adams   railroad 5   23:35   heart attack 

it need repeat same people have matching surnames , reasons.


your text file contains string, entries seprated line brakes , values 3 spaces (actually html coded spaces).

here read whole txt file in,(some line line):

$whole_string = file_get_contents('data.txt'); 

so firstly each line:

$entries = explode('\n',$whole_string); 

then value arrays pushed:

$whole_ar = array(); foreach($entries $e){    $whole_ar[] = explode('   ',$e); }//if 3 spaces in file in html 

we get:

array(     array(     'name','date','etc..'     ),     array(     'name2','date','etc..'     ),     array(     'name2','date','etc..'     ) ) 

you store array in php file, later include('data.php'); so:

$file = '<?php $whole_ar='.var_export($whole_ar, true)."; ?>"; file_put_contents('data.php', $file); 

main answer on how parse array target copies iteritating or:

$answer = array_unique(array_diff_assoc($whole_ar, array_unique( $whole_ar))); 

as understand, information string when user calls in:

$newest = "huchinson estonia tallin geo street 13 2015.12.02 13:44 gas leak" 

you have string in variable, stated above. explode string space characters: $data = explode(" ",$newest); gives array number of values. first value surname , last reason of accident.

parse them out of array this: echo $data[0];//this surname , echo end($data);//this accident type

instead of echo can assign these values variables , if surname , accident present in database:

if($saved_before == $data[0].end($data)){    echo "we working on ".end($data).", patient, dear ".$data[0]; } 

p.s. dot (.) concatenating strings
