javascript - Kendo ui grid dropdown editor does not load data -

can not load data kendo dropdown list. gets data backend list empty. backend looks like:

    [httppost]     public actionresult getcities(datasourcerequest command)     {         var citymodel = _uow.cities.getall().tolist();           var gridmodel = new datasourceresult         {             data =,             total = citymodel.count         };          return json(gridmodel);     } 

front end

            schema: {                 data: "data",                 total: "total",                 errors: "errors",                 model: {                     id: "id",                     fields: {                         name: { editable: true, type: "string" },                         city: { defaultvalue: { cityid: 0, cityname: "select city" } },                         address: { editable: true, type: "string" },                         tel: { editable: true, type: "string" },                         fax: { editable: true, type: "string" },                      }                 }             },            ......         columns: [...         {             field: "",             title: "city",             editor: citydropdowneditor,             template: "#=city.cityname#",             width: 200         }  ....   function citydropdowneditor(container, options) {     $('<input required data-text-field="cityname" data-value-field="cityid" data-bind="value:' + options.field + '"/>')         .appendto(container)         .kendodropdownlist({             autobind: false,             datasource: {                 transport: {                     read:                     {                         url: "@html.raw(url.action("getcities", "contact"))",                         type: "post",                         datatype: "json"                     }                 }             }         }); } 

the city model has cityname (string), cityid (int) , citypostalcode (string) fields. error in console "uncaught typeerror: e.slice not function"

upd* code preparecitymodelforlist

    protected virtual companycitymodel preparecitymodelforlist(city city)     {          return new companycitymodel()         {             cityid =,             cityname =,             postalcode = city.postalcode         };     } 

upd*: returned json


the problem in json, passed ajax. have ensure json simple like:

      {[           {"cityid":3,"cityname":"minsk","postalcode":"220000"},              "cityid":4,"cityname":"brest","postalcode":"224000"},              "cityid":5,"cityname":"vitebsk","postalcode":"210000"},              "cityid":6,"cityname":"gomel","postalcode":"246000"}       ]} 


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