Java. How to get all the parameters from URL, but nothing more -

i want parameters values part of url:!schedule 

the parameter names arbitrary, , can 0 or many. in case above interested in "datefrom" , "dateto". closest thing found this:

  vaadinrequest vaadinrequest = vaadinservice.getcurrentrequest();     for(string key: vaadinrequest.getparametermap().keyset()){         vaadinrequest.getparametermap().get(key);      } 

indeed gives parameters want unfortunately lot of other stuff theme, v-appid, etc..

is there elegant solution gives parameters present in url(even if don't know name) not give not part of url? of course can take stuff , eliminate not present in url wonder if there better.

here go,

public static map<string, string> getquerymap(string query)   {       string[] params = query.split("&");       map<string, string> map = new hashmap<string, string>();       (string param : params)       {           string name = param.split("=")[0];           string value = param.split("=")[1];           map.put(name, value);       }       return map;   } 

map keys has parameters , map value has values. retrieve whatever need. in case, keys map.keyset().
