iis - URL Rewrite rules appear to be redirecting instead of rewriting -

i using iis url rewrite 2.0 module create url points latest version of app. have configured follows:

<rule name="latest" stopprocessing="true">     <match url="^latest(.*)" />     <action type="rewrite" url="1.1{r:1}" /> </rule> 

the intention if goes /latest/* of urls rewritten /1.1/*. example /latest/index.html should become /1.1/index.html.

this working when request file, example:

/latest/index.html - works /latest/js/app.js - works 

however not work:


since index.html default document, expect rewrite /1.1/index.html, in fact seems redirect. example, if type following in browser address bar:


and press enter, changes to:


as if redirected. still works, don't want url change (hence why i'm using rewrite rather redirect). idea why? there wrong rule?

this problem you're experiencing:

iis generates courtesy redirect when folder without trailing slash requested

(although article iis6, iis7+ behaves in same way , seems can't disabled behaviour.)

add rule before existing 1 matches /latest (no trailing slash):

<rewrite>     <rules>         <rule name="latest1" stopprocessing="true">             <match url="^latest$" />             <action type="rewrite" url="1.1/" />         </rule>         <rule name="latest2" stopprocessing="true">             <match url="^latest(.*)" />             <action type="rewrite" url="1.1{r:1}" />         </rule>     </rules> </rewrite> 

there's more elegant way, says on tin.

you may need hard reload of page because browser may cache redirect, can test in "incognito mode" never saves permanent redirects between sessions.
