matlab - Use more points to define imroi object -

in short: wondering if possible, when using roi base classes (imroi actually) such impoly, imfreehand , others increase number of points (i.e. increase sensitivity) generated getposition method.

sample code:

consider following code, in i:

1) read , display image

2) call imfreehand draw closed region of interest.

3) call getposition nx2 array in coordinates defining freehand object draw stored.

4) call scatter see actual coordinates recorded.

clear clc close  %// read , display image = imread('coins.png');  imshow(a)  %// set imroi object hroi = imfreehand(gca,'closed',1);  %// position nx2 array roiposition = getposition(hroi);  %// display points retrieved getposition method. hold on  scatter(roiposition(:,1),roiposition(:,2),20,'r','filled') 

after zooming on roi drawn, this:

enter image description here

which 1 can see lack couple points describe object.

to put in other words, possible obtain nx2 array getposition method n larger default (whose value don't know)? searched on web couldn't find relating issue.


if not late, there alternative method coordinates using bwboundaries() on mask of roi object hroi created.

here example :

a = imread('coins.png'); imshow(a) hroi = imfreehand(gca, 'closed', 1); bw = createmask(hroi); b = bwboundaries(bw); b = b{:}; hold on scatter(b(:,2), b(:,1),20, 'r', 'filled') 
