node.js - Grunt watch task is not starting until the first output to console -

my task configuration works fine have annoying issue watch task not start monitor unless refresh page or add line console output. supposed get:

running "watch" task waiting... 

but don't until output goes console.

is bug?

my config is:

module.exports = function(grunt) {     grunt.initconfig({         concat: {             options: {                 separator: '\n\n'             },             dev: {                 src: ['ng_app/app.js', 'ng_app/**/*.js'],                 dest: 'public/js/app.js'             }         },         less: {                 dev: {                     files: [                         {                             expand: true,                             cwd: 'styles',                             src: ['*.less', '!mixins.less', '!var.less'],                             dest: 'public/css/',                             ext: '.css'                         },                         {                             expand: true,                             cwd: 'styles/views',                             src: ['*.less'],                             dest: 'public/css/views',                             ext: '.css'                         }                     ]                 }             },             express: {                 dev: {                     options: {                         script: 'bin/www'                     }                 }             },             watch: {                 options: {                     livereload: true                 },                 express: {                     files:  ['**/*.js'],                     tasks:  ['express:dev'],                     options: {                         spawn: false                     }                 },                 less: {                     files: ['styles/**/*.less'],                     tasks: ['less'],                     options: {                         livereload: false                     }                 },                 concat: {                     files:  ['ng_app/**/*.js'],                     tasks: ['concat'],                     options: {                         livereload: false                     }                 }             }       });      grunt.loadnpmtasks('grunt-contrib-concat');     grunt.loadnpmtasks('grunt-contrib-less');     grunt.loadnpmtasks('grunt-express-server');     grunt.loadnpmtasks('grunt-contrib-watch');      grunt.registertask('default', ['concat', 'less']);     grunt.registertask('server', [ 'express:dev', 'watch' ]); }; 


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