c# - Is it possible to get information which drives encrypted by TrueCrypt? -

is there chance c# application information drives encrypted truecrypt application. other options helpful.

thank in advance.

yes. when using code (based on code found @ https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en-us/e43cc927-4bcc-42d7-9630-f5fdfdb4a1fa/get-absolute-path-of-drive-mapped-to-local-folder?forum=netfxnetcom):

[dllimport("kernel32.dll")] private static extern uint querydosdevice(string lpdevicename, stringbuilder lptargetpath, int ucchmax);  public static bool istruecryptvolume(string path, out stringbuilder lptargetpath) {     bool istruecryptvolume = false;     if (string.isnullorwhitespace(path))     {         throw new argumentexception("path");     }      string pathroot = path.getpathroot(path);     if (string.isnullorwhitespace(pathroot))     {         throw new argumentexception("path");     }      string lpdevicename = pathroot.replace("\\", string.empty);     lptargetpath = new stringbuilder(260);     if (0 != querydosdevice(lpdevicename, lptargetpath, lptargetpath.capacity))     {         istruecryptvolume = lptargetpath.tostring().tolower().contains("truecrypt");     }      return istruecryptvolume; }  static void main(string[] args) {     stringbuilder targetpath;     var istruecryptvolume = istruecryptvolume("n:\\", out targetpath); } 

the variable targetpath in scenario contains value \device\truecryptvolumen.

when passing c:\ in path, value of targetpath \device\harddiskvolume1.
