javascript - Three forms submitting all together by one submit button -

the js fiddle given below form have created. need submit , want output in mysql, when press submit button submits last form i.e. form2. need solution how can submit 3 forms 1 submit button, have javascript running in form. i've tried method wasn't appropriate me.

i tried using html5 form attribute on input elements & tried changing forms 1 form , tried ending things proper closing of td th , table tags within same form resulted in 2 problems. first when checked on select checkboxes neither selected nor deselected , second when clicked on checkbox under size section didn't come quantity textbox.

my forms code given below:

//select checkbox script  checked = false;    function checkedall(frm1) {    var aa = document.getelementbyid('frm1');    if (checked == false) {      checked = true    } else {      checked = false    }    (var = 0; < aa.elements.length; i++) {      aa.elements[i].checked = checked;    }  }          //only numeric term script  function isnumberkey(evt) {    var charcode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : event.keycode    if (charcode > 31 && (charcode < 48 || charcode > 57))      return false;    return true;  }    function isnumberkeyspecial(evt) {    var charcode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : event.keycode    if (charcode > 31 && (charcode < 48 || charcode > 57))      return false;    return true;  }          //form reset  czbanglesreset = function() {    document.getelementbyid("form1").reset();    document.form1.twopointtwosizeqty.disabled = true;    document.form1.twopointfoursizeqty.disabled = true;    document.form1.twopointsixsizeqty.disabled = true;    document.form1.twopointeightsizeqty.disabled = true;    document.form1.twopointtensizeqty.disabled = true;    document.getelementbyid("frm1").reset();    document.getelementbyid("form2").reset();  }          //oncheck quantity  function codename() {    if (document.form1.twopointtwosize.checked) {      document.form1.twopointtwosizeqty.disabled = false;    } else {      document.form1.twopointtwosizeqty.disabled = true;    }      if (document.form1.twopointfoursize.checked) {      document.form1.twopointfoursizeqty.disabled = false;    } else {      document.form1.twopointfoursizeqty.disabled = true;    }      if (document.form1.twopointsixsize.checked) {      document.form1.twopointsixsizeqty.disabled = false;    } else {      document.form1.twopointsixsizeqty.disabled = true;    }      if (document.form1.twopointeightsize.checked) {      document.form1.twopointeightsizeqty.disabled = false;    } else {      document.form1.twopointeightsizeqty.disabled = true;    }      if (document.form1.twopointtensize.checked) {      document.form1.twopointtensizeqty.disabled = false;    } else {      document.form1.twopointtensizeqty.disabled = true;    }  }
body {    background-image: url(../header_bg.jpg);    background-size: cover;  }  textarea {    resize: none;  }  input[type=checkbox] {    cursor: pointer;  }  input[type=radio] {    cursor: pointer;  }  b {    cursor: default;  }  th {    cursor: default;  }  td {    cursor: default;  }  input[type=text] {    cursor: cell;  }  textarea {    cursor: cell;  }  input[type="reset"] {    width: 10em;    height: 2em;    border: none;    background: transparent;    font-weight: bold;    cursor: pointer;  }  input[disabled] {    background: transparent;    border: none;    cursor: default;  }  input:disabled::-webkit-input-placeholder {    /* webkit browsers */    color: #fff;  }  input:disabled:-moz-placeholder {    /* mozilla firefox 4 18 */    color: #fff;  }  input:disabled::-moz-placeholder {    /* mozilla firefox 19+ */    color: #fff;  }  input:disabled:-ms-input-placeholder {    /* internet explorer 10+ */    color: #fff;  }
<body>    <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="form1" name="form1">      <table border="2" style="box-shadow: 20px 20px 10px #000000; background-color: white;" align="center">        <tr>          <th>            <p align="left">name : <sup><font color="red">*</font></sup>            </p>          </th>          <td>            <input type="text" name="product_name" placeholder="product name" size="59" title="enter name of product">          </td>        </tr>        <tr>          <th>            <p align="left">description : <sup><font color="red">*</font></sup>            </p>          </th>          <td>            <table border="0">              <textarea name="product_desc" placeholder="product description" maxlength="300" rows="6" cols="61" title="enter description of product"></textarea>          </td>          </table>        </tr>        <tr>          <th>            <p align="left">size &amp; weight<sup><font color="red">*</font></sup>            </p>          </th>          <th>            <table border="1">              <td title="size 2.2">                <label>                  <input type="checkbox" name="twopointtwosize" value="2.2size" title="size 2.2" onclick="codename()">2.2                  <br>                  <input name="twopointtwosizeqty" type="text" disabled onkeypress="return isnumberkey(event)" size="2" placeholder="qty" maxlength="5">                </label>              </td>              <td title="size 2.4">                <label>                  <input type="checkbox" name="twopointfoursize" value="2.4size" title="size 2.4" onclick="codename()">2.4                  <br>                  <input type="text" size="2" name="twopointfoursizeqty" placeholder="qty" onkeypress="return isnumberkey(event)" maxlength="5" disabled>                </label>              </td>              <td title="size 2.6">                <label>                  <input type="checkbox" name="twopointsixsize" value="2.6size" title="size 2.6" onclick="codename()">2.6                  <br>                  <input type="text" size="2" name="twopointsixsizeqty" placeholder="qty" onkeypress="return isnumberkey(event)" disabled maxlength="5">                </label>              </td>              <td title="size 2.8">                <label>                  <input type="checkbox" name="twopointeightsize" value="2.8size" title="size 2.8" onclick="codename()">2.8                  <br>                  <input type="text" size="2" name="twopointeightsizeqty" placeholder="qty" onkeypress="return isnumberkey(event)" disabled maxlength="5">                </label>              </td>              <td title="size 2.10">                <label>                  <input type="checkbox" name="twopointtensize" value="2.10size" title="size 2.10" onclick="codename()">2.10                  <br>                  <input type="text" size="3" name="twopointtensizeqty" placeholder="qty" onkeypress="return isnumberkey(event)" disabled maxlength="5">                </label>              </td>              <td style="border-style: none;">                <input type="text" placeholder="weight" name="weight" size="8" maxlength="8" title="enter weight in grams" onkeypress="return isnumberkey(event)" style="height: 45px;">              </td>          </th>          </table>        </tr>        <tr>          <th>            <p align="left">color : <sup><font color="red">*</font></sup>            </p>          </th>          <td>    </form>    <form id="frm1">      <table>        <td title="white colour" style="border-style: groove; box-shadow: 5px 5px 2px #3b3131;">          <label>            <input type="checkbox" name="white" title="white colour" value="white"><b title="white colour">white</b>          </label>        </td>        <td title="white/red colour" style="border-style: groove; box-shadow: 5px 5px 2px #3b3131;">          <label>            <input type="checkbox" name="white/red" title="white/red colour" value="w/r"><b title="white/red colour">w/r</b>          </label>        </td>        <td title="white/green colour" style="border-style: groove; box-shadow: 5px 5px 2px #3b3131;">          <label>            <input type="checkbox" name="white/green" title="white/green colour" value="w/g"><b title="white/green colour">w/g</b>          </label>        </td>        <td title="white/blue colour" style="border-style: groove; box-shadow: 5px 5px 2px #3b3131;">          <label>            <input type="checkbox" name="white/blue" title="white/blue colour" value="w/b"><b title="white/blue colour">w/b</b>          </label>        </td>        </tr>        <tr>          <td title="red colour" style="border-style: groove; box-shadow: 5px 5px 2px #3b3131;">            <label>              <input type="checkbox" name="red" title="red colour" value="red"><b title="red colour">red</b>            </label>          </td>          <td title="red/green colour" style="border-style: groove; box-shadow: 5px 5px 2px #3b3131;">            <label>              <input type="checkbox" name="red/green" title="red/green colour" value="r/g"><b title="red/green colour">r/g</b>            </label>          </td>          <td title="red/blue colour" style="border-style: groove; box-shadow: 5px 5px 2px #3b3131;">            <label>              <input type="checkbox" name="red/blue" title="red/blue colour" value="r/b"><b title="red/blue colour">r/b</b>            </label>          </td>        </tr>        <tr>          <td title="green colour" style="border-style: groove; box-shadow: 5px 5px 2px #3b3131;">            <label>              <input type="checkbox" name="green" title="green colour" value="green"><b title="green colour">green</b>            </label>          </td>          <td title="green/blue colour" style="border-style: groove; box-shadow: 5px 5px 2px #3b3131;">            <label>              <input type="checkbox" name="green/blue" title="green/blue colour" value="g/b"><b title="green/blue colour">g/b</b>            </label>          </td>          <tr>            <td title="blue colour" style="border-style: groove; box-shadow: 5px 5px 2px #3b3131;">              <label>                <input type="checkbox" name="blue" title="blue colour" value="blue"><b title="blue colour">blue</b>              </label>            </td>            <tr>              <td title="multi colour" style="border-style: groove; box-shadow: 5px 5px 2px #3b3131;">                <label>                  <input type="checkbox" name="multicolor" title="multi colour" value="multicolor"><b title="multi colour">multicolour</b>                </label>              </td>    </form>    <td title="select all" align="right" style="border-style: none;">      <input type="checkbox" name="checkall" title="select all" onclick='checkedall(frm1);'>    </td>    <td style="border-style: none;"><b title="select all">all</b>      <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="form2">    </td>    </table>    </td>    </tr>    </td>    </tr>    <tr>      <th>        <p align="left">price : <sup><font color="red">*</font></sup>        </p>      </th>      <td>        <table border="1">          <td>            <input type="text" name="product_price" placeholder="original" size="21" title="enter original price of product" onkeypress="return isnumberkey(event)">            <td>              <input type="text" name="product_special_price" placeholder="special" size="21" title="enter special price of product (not necessary)" onkeypress="return isnumberkeyspecial(event)">            </td>          </td>    </tr>    </table>    <tr>      <th title="special price validity dates;(note valid if entered special price)">        <p align="left">special date : <sup><font color="red">*</font></sup>        </p>      </th>      <td title="special price validity dates;(note valid if entered special price)">        <table border="0">          <tr>            <th title="special price validity starting date">start date:</th>            <td>              <input type="date" name="startingdate" min="2015-02-01">              <br>            </td>          </tr>          <tr>            <th title="special price validity ending date">end date:</th>            <td>              <input type="date" name="endingdate" min="2015-02-01">              <br>            </td>          </tr>          <tr>            <th>              <font color="white" size="0">hello</font>            </th>          </tr>          <tr>            <th>              <font color="white" size="0">hello</font>            </th>          </tr>        </table>      </td>    </tr>    <tr>      <th title="status(should product visible customers)">        <p align="left">status : <sup><font color="red">*</font></sup>        </p>      </th>      <th>        <label>enable :          <input type="radio" name="status" value="enable" title="enable status">        </label>        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;        <label>disable :          <input type="radio" name="status" value="disable" title="disable status">        </label>      </th>    </tr>    <tr>      <th title="tax class(which type of tax should applied on product)">        <p align="left">tax class : <sup><font color="red">*</font></sup>        </p>      </th>      <th>        <label>taxable :          <input type="radio" name="tax" value="taxable" title="taxable goods">        </label>        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;        <label>shipping :          <input type="radio" name="tax" value="shipping" title="shipping">        </label>        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp        <label>none :          <input type="radio" name="tax" value="none" title="none both on left">        </label>      </th>    </tr>    <tr>      <th>        <input type="reset" name="reset" value="reset" onclick="czbanglesreset();" title="reset details">      </th>      <th>        <input type="submit" name="submit" value="add product" title="add product inventory" style="	width: 33em;height: 2em;  								border:none;  								background: transparent;  								font-weight:bold;  								cursor:pointer;">      </th>    </tr>    </table>    </form>  </body>

js fiddle

disregarding markup issues, if don't need perform 3 form submissions (i don't know why would), use html5 form attribute on input elements. so, have 1 "master" form, , tie in input elements. once that's done, perform single form submission.

//only numeric term script  function isnumberkey(evt) {    var charcode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : event.keycode    if (charcode > 31 && (charcode < 48 || charcode > 57)) return false;    return true;  }    function isnumberkeyspecial(evt) {    var charcode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : event.keycode    if (charcode > 31 && (charcode < 48 || charcode > 57)) return false;    return true;  }    /**   * check color checkboxes.   * @param {object} ele "check all" checkbox   */    function checkedall(ele) {    "use strict";    var arrayofelements = ele.closest("#colors").getelementsbytagname("input"),      item,      = 0;      (i; < arrayofelements.length; = + 1) {      item = arrayofelements[i];      if (ele !== item && document.contains(item) === true) {        arrayofelements[i].checked = ele.checked;      }    }  }    /**   * reset form origional state.   */    function resetform() {    "use strict";    var arrayofelements = document.getelementsbytagname("input"),      item,      = 0;      (i; < arrayofelements.length; = + 1) {      item = arrayofelements[i].name;      if (item.match(/qty/gi) !== null) {        arrayofelements[i].disabled = true;      } else {        arrayofelements[i].checked = false;      }    }      document.getelementbyid("masterform").reset();  }    /**   * toggle display , state of input box + "qty".   * @param {object} ele clicked checkbox.   */    function codename(ele) {    "use strict";    document.getelementsbyname( + "qty")[0].disabled = !ele.checked;  }
 body {     background-image: url(../header_bg.jpg);     background-size: cover;   }   textarea {     resize: none;   }   input[type=checkbox] {     cursor: pointer;   }   input[type=radio] {     cursor: pointer;   }   b {     cursor: default;   }   th {     cursor: default;   }   td {     cursor: default;   }   input[type=text] {     cursor: cell;   }   textarea {     cursor: cell;   }   input[type="reset"] {     width: 10em;     height: 2em;     border: none;     background: transparent;     font-weight: bold;     cursor: pointer;   }   input[disabled] {     background: transparent;     border: none;     cursor: default;   }   input:disabled::-webkit-input-placeholder {     /* webkit browsers */     color: #fff;   }   input:disabled:-moz-placeholder {     /* mozilla firefox 4 18 */     color: #fff;   }   input:disabled::-moz-placeholder {     /* mozilla firefox 19+ */     color: #fff;   }   input:disabled:-ms-input-placeholder {     /* internet explorer 10+ */     color: #fff;   }
<body>    <form id="masterform">        <table border="2" style="box-shadow: 20px 20px 10px #000000; background-color: white;" align="center">        <tr>          <th>            <p align="left">name : <sup><font color="red">*</font></sup>            </p>          </th>          <td>            <input type="text" name="product_name" placeholder="product name" size="59" title="enter name of product">          </td>        </tr>        <tr>          <th>            <p align="left">description : <sup><font color="red">*</font></sup>            </p>          </th>          <td>            <table border="0">              <textarea name="product_desc" placeholder="product description" maxlength="300" rows="6" cols="61" title="enter description of product"></textarea>            </table>          </td>        </tr>        <tr>          <th>            <p align="left">size &amp; weight<sup><font color="red">*</font></sup>            </p>          </th>          <th>            <table border="1">              <td title="size 2.2">                <label>                  <input type="checkbox" name="twopointtwosize" value="2.2size" title="size 2.2" onclick="codename(this)">2.2                  <br>                  <input name="twopointtwosizeqty" type="text" disabled onkeypress="return isnumberkey(event)" size="2" placeholder="qty" maxlength="5">                </label>              </td>              <td title="size 2.4">                <label>                  <input type="checkbox" name="twopointfoursize" value="2.4size" title="size 2.4" onclick="codename(this)">2.4                  <br>                  <input type="text" size="2" name="twopointfoursizeqty" placeholder="qty" onkeypress="return isnumberkey(event)" maxlength="5" disabled>                </label>              </td>              <td title="size 2.6">                <label>                  <input type="checkbox" name="twopointsixsize" value="2.6size" title="size 2.6" onclick="codename(this)">2.6                  <br>                  <input type="text" size="2" name="twopointsixsizeqty" placeholder="qty" onkeypress="return isnumberkey(event)" disabled maxlength="5">                </label>              </td>              <td title="size 2.8">                <label>                  <input type="checkbox" name="twopointeightsize" value="2.8size" title="size 2.8" onclick="codename(this)">2.8                  <br>                  <input type="text" size="2" name="twopointeightsizeqty" placeholder="qty" onkeypress="return isnumberkey(event)" disabled maxlength="5">                </label>              </td>              <td title="size 2.10">                <label>                  <input type="checkbox" name="twopointtensize" value="2.10size" title="size 2.10" onclick="codename(this)">2.10                  <br>                  <input type="text" size="3" name="twopointtensizeqty" placeholder="qty" onkeypress="return isnumberkey(event)" disabled maxlength="5">                </label>              </td>              <td style="border-style: none;">                <input type="text" placeholder="weight" name="weight" size="8" maxlength="8" title="enter weight in grams" onkeypress="return isnumberkey(event)" style="height: 45px;">              </td>            </table>          </th>        </tr>        <tr>          <th>            <p align="left">color : <sup><font color="red">*</font></sup>            </p>          </th>          <td id="colors">            <table>              <td title="white colour" style="border-style: groove; box-shadow: 5px 5px 2px #3b3131;">                <label>                  <input type="checkbox" name="white" title="white colour" value="white"><b title="white colour">white</b>                </label>              </td>              <td title="white/red colour" style="border-style: groove; box-shadow: 5px 5px 2px #3b3131;">                <label>                  <input type="checkbox" name="white/red" title="white/red colour" value="w/r"><b title="white/red colour">w/r</b>                </label>              </td>              <td title="white/green colour" style="border-style: groove; box-shadow: 5px 5px 2px #3b3131;">                <label>                  <input type="checkbox" name="white/green" title="white/green colour" value="w/g"><b title="white/green colour">w/g</b>                </label>              </td>              <td title="white/blue colour" style="border-style: groove; box-shadow: 5px 5px 2px #3b3131;">                <label>                  <input type="checkbox" name="white/blue" title="white/blue colour" value="w/b"><b title="white/blue colour">w/b</b>                </label>              </td>            </table>            <table>              <td title="red colour" style="border-style: groove; box-shadow: 5px 5px 2px #3b3131;">                <label>                  <input type="checkbox" name="red" title="red colour" value="red"><b title="red colour">red</b>                </label>              </td>              <td title="red/green colour" style="border-style: groove; box-shadow: 5px 5px 2px #3b3131;">                <label>                  <input type="checkbox" name="red/green" title="red/green colour" value="r/g"><b title="red/green colour">r/g</b>                </label>              </td>              <td title="red/blue colour" style="border-style: groove; box-shadow: 5px 5px 2px #3b3131;">                <label>                  <input type="checkbox" name="red/blue" title="red/blue colour" value="r/b"><b title="red/blue colour">r/b</b>                </label>              </td>            </table>            <table>              <tr>                <td title="green colour" style="border-style: groove; box-shadow: 5px 5px 2px #3b3131;">                  <label>                    <input type="checkbox" name="green" title="green colour" value="green"><b title="green colour">green</b>                  </label>                </td>              </tr>              <tr>                <td title="green/blue colour" style="border-style: groove; box-shadow: 5px 5px 2px #3b3131;">                  <label>                    <input type="checkbox" name="green/blue" title="green/blue colour" value="g/b"><b title="green/blue colour">g/b</b>                  </label>                </td>              </tr>              <tr>                <td title="blue colour" style="border-style: groove; box-shadow: 5px 5px 2px #3b3131;">                  <label>                    <input type="checkbox" name="blue" title="blue colour" value="blue"><b title="blue colour">blue</b>                  </label>                </td>                <td title="multi colour" style="border-style: groove; box-shadow: 5px 5px 2px #3b3131;">                  <label>                    <input type="checkbox" name="multicolor" title="multi colour" value="multicolor"><b title="multi colour">multicolour</b>                  </label>                </td>                  <td title="select all" align="right" style="border-style: none;">                  <input type="checkbox" name="checkall" title="select all" onclick='checkedall(this);'>                </td>                <td style="border-style: none;"><b title="select all">all</b>                  </td>              </tr>            </table>          </td>        </tr>        <tr>          <th>            <p align="left">price : <sup><font color="red">*</font></sup>            </p>          </th>          <td>            <table border="1">              <tr>                <td>                  <input type="text" name="product_price" placeholder="original" size="21" title="enter original price of product" onkeypress="return isnumberkey(event)">                  </td>                <td>                  <input type="text" name="product_special_price" placeholder="special" size="21" title="enter special price of product (not necessary)" onkeypress="return isnumberkeyspecial(event)">                </td>              </tr>            </table>          </td>        </tr>        <tr>          <th title="special price validity dates;(note valid if entered special price)">            <p align="left">special date : <sup><font color="red">*</font></sup>            </p>          </th>          <td title="special price validity dates;(note valid if entered special price)">            <table border="0">              <tr>                <th title="special price validity starting date">start date:</th>                <td>                  <input type="date" name="startingdate" min="2015-02-01">                  <br>                </td>              </tr>              <tr>                <th title="special price validity ending date">end date:</th>                <td>                  <input type="date" name="endingdate" min="2015-02-01">                  <br>                </td>              </tr>              <tr>                <th> <font color="white" size="0">hello</font>                  </th>              </tr>              <tr>                <th> <font color="white" size="0">hello</font>                  </th>              </tr>            </table>          </td>        </tr>        <tr>          <th title="status(should product visible customers)">            <p align="left">status : <sup><font color="red">*</font></sup>            </p>          </th>          <th>            <label>enable :              <input type="radio" name="status" value="enable" title="enable status">            </label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;            <label>disable :              <input type="radio" name="status" value="disable" title="disable status">            </label>          </th>        </tr>        <tr>          <th title="tax class(which type of tax should applied on product)">            <p align="left">tax class : <sup><font color="red">*</font></sup>            </p>          </th>          <th>            <label>taxable :              <input type="radio" name="tax" value="taxable" title="taxable goods">            </label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;            <label>shipping :              <input type="radio" name="tax" value="shipping" title="shipping">            </label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp            <label>none :              <input type="radio" name="tax" value="none" title="none both on left">            </label>          </th>        </tr>        <tr>          <th>            <input type="reset" name="reset" value="reset" onclick="resetform()" title="reset details">          </th>          <th>            <input type="submit" name="submit" value="add product" title="add product inventory" style="	width: 33em;height: 2em;                                  border:none;                                  background: transparent;                                  font-weight:bold;                                  cursor:pointer;">          </th>        </tr>      </table>    </form>  </body>
