matlab - Labels in yyplot -

my problem figure i'm creating gets "two types" of x-axe labels. 1 ones have asked for, other number, displays every 2. actually, labels , numbers overlap. i'm new forum, hence not allow me place pictures.

i have created using following:

names = 1:10;  [ax,b,p] = plotyy(names, aguai, names, wateruseby10sectors,'bar','plot');  title('direct use , expenditure in water')  xlabel('sector')  set(gca, 'xtick',1:10, 'xticklabel',{'animal agic','plant agric', 'other agric', 'mining', 'food industry', 'other industries', 'energy', 'water', 'retail, resta, accomm', 'other services'})  ylabel(ax(1),'water use sector (ml)')  ylabel(ax(2),'sectors expenditure in water (aus$ m)') 

how take numbers out of x-axis? also, why graph producing x-axis until 12?

enter image description here

i replace line:

set(gca, 'xtick',1:10, 'xticklabel',{'animal agic','plant agric', 'other agric', 'mining', 'food industry', 'other industries', 'energy', 'water', 'retail, resta, accomm', 'other services'}) 

with these 2 lines:

set(ax(1), 'xtick',1:10, 'xticklabel',{'animal agic','plant agric', 'other agric', 'mining', 'food industry', 'other industries', 'energy', 'water', 'retail, resta, accomm', 'other services'}) set(ax(2), 'xtick',1:10, 'xticklabel',{'animal agic','plant agric', 'other agric', 'mining', 'food industry', 'other industries', 'energy', 'water', 'retail, resta, accomm', 'other services'}) 

to ensure both set of axes have consistent ticks , labels. alternatively, can set 1 empty, suggested.
