hibernate - Save entity and all its child entities -

i'm having problems updates of mdfe entity, before explaining happens, looked image below, can explain.

enter image description here

we can see mdfe has ratio of 1 many mdfedocumento has ratio of 1 many mdfeunidadetransporte , has ratio of 1 many mdfeunidadecarga.

the crud structure performed on mdfe. when editing mdfe , update entity, mdfedocumento changed, however, there, other entities not suffer changes. example, if when editing mdfe , change transport unit of given document, while giving update on mdfe entity, transport unit not suffer modification.

how can make these inserts / changes made saving mdfe? if can not insert / update parent entity, best way insert / update other?

thank all, , if in doubt comment on explanation improve.

sorry bad english, brazilian

the font code:

@entity @table(name = "mdfe") public class mdfe implements ientity {      private static final long serialversionuid = 1l;     @id     @generatedvalue(strategy = generationtype.auto)     @column(name = "id")     private long id;     @enumerated(enumtype.ordinal)     @column(name = "modelo", nullable = false)     private modelodocenum modelo;     @min(value = 0)     @max(value = 999)     @column(name = "serie", nullable = false)     private integer serie;     @min(value = 0)     @column(name = "numero", nullable = false)     private long numero;     @lazycollection(lazycollectionoption.false)     @onetomany(mappedby = "mdfe", orphanremoval = true, cascade = cascadetype.all)     private list<mdfedocumento> mdfedocumentos;  }   @entity @table(name = "mdfe_documentos") public class mdfedocumento implements ientity {      private static final long serialversionuid = 1l;     @id     @generatedvalue(strategy = generationtype.auto)     @column(name = "id")     private long id;     @size(max = 44)     @column(name = "chave", nullable = true, length = 50)     private string chave;     @notnull     @manytoone     @joincolumn(name = "mdfe_id", referencedcolumnname = "id", nullable = false)     private mdfe mdfe;     @lazycollection(lazycollectionoption.false)     @onetomany(mappedby = "mdfedocumento", orphanremoval = true, cascade = cascadetype.all)     private list<mdfeunidadetransporte> unidadestransporte; }  public class mdfeunidadetransporte implements ientity {      private static final long serialversionuid = 1l;     @id     @generatedvalue(strategy = generationtype.auto)     @column(name = "id")     private long id;     @notnull     @size(max = 20)     @column(name = "ident_unid_transp", nullable = false, length = 20)     private string identunidtransp;     @notnull     @enumerated(enumtype.ordinal)     @column(name = "tipo_unid_transp", nullable = false)     private tipounidadetransporteenum tipounidtransp;     @min(0)     @column(name = "quantidade_rateada", nullable = false, columndefinition = "decimal(15,2) default 0")     private double quantidaderateada;     @lazycollection(lazycollectionoption.false)     @onetomany(mappedby = "unidadetransporte",             orphanremoval = true, cascade = {cascadetype.all})     private list<mdfeunidadecarga> unidadescargas;     @notnull     @manytoone     @joincolumn(name = "mdfe_documento_id", nullable = false, referencedcolumnname = "id")     private mdfedocumento mdfedocumento; }  @entity @table(name = "mdfe_unidades_cargas") public class mdfeunidadecarga implements ientity {      private static final long serialversionuid = 1l;     @id     @generatedvalue(strategy = generationtype.auto)     @column(name = "id")     private long id;     @notnull     @size(max = 20)     @column(name = "ident_unid_carga", nullable = false, length = 20)     private string identunidcarga;     @notnull     @enumerated(enumtype.ordinal)     @column(name = "tipo_unid_carga", nullable = false)     private tipounidadecargaenum tipounidcarga;     @min(0)     @column(name = "quantidade_rateada", nullable = false, columndefinition = "decimal(15,2) default 0")     private double quantidaderateada;     @lazycollection(lazycollectionoption.false)     @elementcollection     @column(name = "num_lacre", length = 60, nullable = false)     @collectiontable(name = "mdfe_lacres_cargas", joincolumns = @joincolumn(name = "mdfe_cargas_id"))     private list<string> lacres;     @notnull     @manytoone     @joincolumn(name = "mdfe_unidade_transporte_id", nullable = false, referencedcolumnname = "id")     private mdfeunidadetransporte unidadetransporte; 

the update metod is:

@override public t update(t entity) {     entitymanager em = this.getentitymanager();     if (!em.gettransaction().isactive()) {         em.gettransaction().begin();     }     entity = em.merge(entity);     em.gettransaction().commit();     return entity; } 

if have time, make functional example show you.

you should @ cascade attribute in @onetomany tag, should set cascadetype.all, may need orphanremoval = true post relevant code , have tried.
