javascript - How merge two objects array in angularjs? -

i want append following object array existing 1 in angulajs implementing load more feature.

ie,appending ajax response existing 1 each time.

i have 1 variable, $scope.actions contains following json data,

    {     "total": 13,     "per_page": 2,     "current_page": 1,     "last_page": 7,     "next_page_url": "http://invoice.local/activities/?page=2",     "prev_page_url": null,     "from": 1,     "to": 2,     "data": [         {             "id": 2108,             "action_type_id": 202,             "user_id": 1         },         {             "id": 2108,             "action_type_id": 202,             "user_id": 1         }     ] } 

i want append following json response each time variable.

    {     "data": [         {             "id": 2108,             "action_type_id": 202,             "user_id": 1         },         {             "id": 2108,             "action_type_id": 202,             "user_id": 1         }     ] } 

i have tried $;

but not working , getting following error message

$ not function

you can use angular.extend(dest, src1, src2,...);

in case :

angular.extend($, data); 

see documentation here :

otherwise, if new values server, can following

for (var i=0; i<data.length; i++){     $[i]); } 
