c# - Why is the value of only this variable ignored when constructing an object with {}? -

i have apirequest class on need default value isinbackground variable.

apirequest class simplified :

public class apirequest {     public string url;     public bool isinbackground = true; } 

when this, value of isinbackground ignored , set default :

apirequest rq = new apirequest{         url = "/user/suggest/" + pseudo,         isinbackground = false }; 

then log value , 'true', url right value...

the way set 'false' do

rq.isinbackground = false; 

then value indeed 'false'

so question why behave way ? because isinbackground has default value ?

public class apitest {     public string url;     public bool background = true; }  public class testclass : monobehaviour {     // use initialization    void start () {        apitest t = new apitest{           url = "coucou",           background = false       };        debug.log(" url: " + t.url + " background: " + t.background);   } } 

edit : after trying set default value 'false' , set variable 'true' problem doesn't occur...

edit show full code :

private void showpseudosuggestionsfor(string pseudo){     debug.log("get suggestions");     remoterequest r = remoterequest.getnewrequest("pseudosuggestions");     apirequest rq = new apirequest{         url = "/user/suggest/" + pseudo,         successcallback = onsuggestionsloaded,         successcallbackargs = new hashtable{             { "pseudo", pseudo }         },         isinbackground = false     };     //rq.isinbackground = false;     debug.log("isinbackground : " + rq.isinbackground);     r.setrequest(rq);     debug.log("isinbackground : " + rq.isinbackground);     r.sendrequest(); } 

full apirequest class :

public class apirequest {     public string url;                                          /*!< url wish send request @ */     public httpmethod method = httpmethod.get;                                  /*!< http method (get, post, put, delete) */     public dictionary<string, string> headers = new dictionary<string, string>();                   /*!< headers, add 1 headers.add(<headername>, <headervalue>) */     public byte[] payload;                                      /*!< if need send post or put data create wwwform, add fields need in , set payload <yourform>.data */      public bool resendonfailure = false;                        /*!< should resend request if fails ? */     public bool resendontimeout = false;                        /*!< should resend request if times out ? */      public bool isinbackground = true;                          /*!< should send request start , completed events */     public bool askbeforeresending = false;                     /*!< should ask user before resending request ? */     public rect askingpopuprect;                                /*!< size of popup ask user resend request */     public string askingpopuptitle;                             /*!< title resend request popup */     public string askingpopupmessage;                           /*!< message resend request popup */     public gui.windowfunction drawaskingpopup;                  /*!< function responsible drawing resend request popup */      public float timeout = 10f;                                     /*!< time until request considered failure */     public int maxattempts = 1;                                 /*!< maximum number of attempts before request resent, upon reaching it, no more attempts resend made */      public requestcallback successcallback;                     /*!< function called when server responded status code 2xx (success) */     public requestcallback failurecallback;                     /*!< other status code 2xx trigger function (failure) */     public hashtable failurecallbackargs;                       /*!< hashtable passed along 'successcallback' function mean provide arguments */     public hashtable successcallbackargs;                       /*!< hashtable passed along 'failurecallback' function mean provide arguments */      /** returns string representation of request human readable      * \return string describing request parameters      */     public override string tostring(){          string result = "request url: " + url + " method: " + method.tostring () + "\nheaders:\n";         foreach(keyvaluepair<string, string> kvp in headers){             result += kvp.key + " -> " + kvp.value + "\n";         }         result += "params :\n";         result += "resendonfailure: " + resendonfailure + "\n";         result += "resendontimeout: " + resendontimeout + "\n";         result += "askbeforeresending: " + askbeforeresending + "\n";         result += "timeout: " + timeout + "\n";         result += "maxattempts: " + maxattempts + "\n";         result += "isinbackground: " + isinbackground + "\n";         return result;     } } 

this code fails in unity because use mono. bug found in using mono , has nothing c# language spoke44 pointed, solution use properties :

