node.js - stream mp4 video with node fluent-ffmpeg -

i'm trying create video stream server , client node fluent-ffmpeg, express , ejs. , haven't solve while. want play video beginning time. following codes make safari browser on windows others makes loop of few seconds or says

video format not supported

server code (run.js) :

app.get('/video', function(req, res) {    //define file path,time seek beegining , set ffmpeg binary   var pathtomovie = '../videos/test.mp4';   var seektime = 100;    proc.setffmpegpath(__dirname + "/ffmpeg/ffmpeg");     //encoding video source   var proc = new ffmpeg({source: pathtomovie})          .seekinput(seektime)          .withvideobitrate(1024)          .withvideocodec('libx264')          .withaspect('16:9')          .withfps(24)          .withaudiobitrate('128k')          .withaudiocodec('libfaac')          .toformat('mp4');    //pipe           .pipe(res, {end: true}); }); 

client code (index.ejs):

<html>   <head></head>    <body>     <video>       <source src="video/" type='video/mp4' />     </video>   </body>  </html> 

help please. searched everywhere solution didn't find

i believe in order seek within mp4 or mp3, need let browser know length of content. try inserting quick blurb before make call ffmpeg. should size of video file , can set headers in response accordingly before streaming data.

insert before ffmpeg call

var fs = require('fs'); var stat = fs.statsync(pathtomovie); res.writehead(200, {     'content-type': 'video/mp4',     'content-length': stat.size }); 
