javascript - Why are some of my elements jumping when my css transition are initialized? -
i'm creating widget animated transitions. on click, circular elements hidden behind main circle element should expand outward center.
my initial styles position these animated elements correctly, active styles position these elements correctly, making half of them start in odd position when active class toggled.
why happening ?
here fiddle.
the css code :
#al_stage { border:1px solid #000; width:650px; height:650px; position:relative; margin:20px auto; } .al_container { position:relative; padding:70px; box-sizing:border-box; width:255px; display:block; background:#5c76a3; border-radius:10px; } .al_scale { width:100%; padding-bottom:100%; position:relative; display:block; } .al_circle { z-index:2; border-radius:50%; background:gray; position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:100%; height:100%; } .al_wrapper { display:table; width:100%; height:100%; } .al_center { height:100%; width:100%; vertical-align:middle; text-align:center; display:table-cell; position:relative; } .al_bubble { position:absolute; z-index:3; display:block; left:50%; right:50%; bottom:50%; top:50%; margin-right:0; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:0; margin-left:0; } .al_md { width:76%; height:76%; margin-left:-38%; margin-top:-38%; margin-right:initial; margin-bottom:initial; } .al_sm { width:60%; height:60%; margin-left:-30%; margin-top:-30%; margin-right:initial; margin-bottom:initial; } .active { -webkit-transition:left 1.0s, right 1.0s, top 1.0s, bottom 1.0s, margin-left 1.0s, margin-top 1.0s, margin-bottom 1.0s, margin-right 1.0s; transition:left 1.0s, right 1.0s, top 1.0s, bottom 1.0s, margin-left 1.0s, margin-top 1.0s, margin-bottom 1.0s, margin-right 1.0s; } { top:initial; bottom:100%; margin-top:0; margin-bottom:1%; } { top:100%; bottom:initial; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:1%; } { left:100%; right:initial; margin-left:1%; margin-right:0; } { right:100%; left:initial; margin-right:1%; margin-left:0; } .bubble_container { width:100%; height:100%; position:absolute; } .deg30 { -moz-transform: rotate(30deg); -ms-transform: rotate(30deg); -webkit-transform: rotate(30deg); transform: rotate(30deg); } .deg30 .al_scale { -moz-transform: rotate(-30deg); -ms-transform: rotate(-30deg); -webkit-transform: rotate(-30deg); transform: rotate(-30deg); } .deg60 { -moz-transform: rotate(60deg); -ms-transform: rotate(60deg); -webkit-transform: rotate(60deg); transform: rotate(60deg); } .deg60 .al_scale { -moz-transform: rotate(-60deg); -ms-transform: rotate(-60deg); -webkit-transform: rotate(-60deg); transform: rotate(-60deg); } .hide { display: none; }
ok, after round of fiddling, i've solved problem being little more verbose positioning. here primary changes:
.al_bubble { position: absolute; z-index: 3; } .al_md { width: 76%; height: 76%; } .al_sm { width: 60%; height: 60%; } .al_three.al_md, .al_six.al_md { top: 50%; left: 50%; margin-top: -38%; margin-left: -38%; } .al_three.al_sm, .al_six.al_sm { top: 50%; left: 50%; margin-top: -30%; margin-left: -30%; } .al_twelve.al_md, .al_nine.al_md { bottom: 50%; right: 50%; margin-bottom: -38%; margin-right: -38%; } .al_twelve.al_sm, .al_nine.al_sm { bottom: 50%; right: 50%; margin-bottom: -30%; margin-right: -30%; } .active { -webkit-transition: left 1.0s, right 1.0s, top 1.0s, bottom 1.0s, margin-left 1.0s, margin-top 1.0s, margin-bottom 1.0s, margin-right 1.0s; transition: left 1.0s, right 1.0s, top 1.0s, bottom 1.0s, margin-left 1.0s, margin-top 1.0s, margin-bottom 1.0s, margin-right 1.0s; } { bottom: 100%; margin-bottom: 5px; } { top: 100%; margin-top: 5px; } { left: 100%; margin-left: 5px; } { right: 100%; margin-right: 5px; }
and here fiddle
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