changing the tree nodes background colour in extjs4 -

i new js please forgive me if asking basic question.

i want change background colour of node in tree have here.

ext.application({             name: 'autopsy',             launch: function() {             ext.create('ext.container.viewport', {                     layout: 'border',                     items:[ {                         ......                         .......                     }, {                         region:'west',                         collapsible: true,                         resizable: true,                         title: 'threads (total: {{ num_threads|replace("\n","\\n") }})',                         width: 200,                         layout: 'fit',                         items: [                             {                                  xtype: 'treepanel',                                 rootvisible: false,                                 store: threadstore,                                 lines: false,                                 usearrows: true,                             }                         ]                     }, {                        .....                        ..... 

threadsotre is

          var threadstore = ext.create('', {                                 root: {                                     text: 'root',                                     expanded: true,                                     children: [                                         {% thread in threadids %}                                         { text: "thread {{ thread }}", leaf:                 true },                                         {% endfor %}                                         { text: "thread ex", expanded: true, children: [                                             { text: "functop", leaf: true },                                             { text: "funcbottom", leaf: true},                                             { text: "test", leaf: true}                                         ] },                                     ]                                 }                             }); 

this give me output below

thread 6

thread 5

thread 4

thread 3

thread 2

thread 1

i want ground color of "thread 1" red. how can ?

you can use treecolumn renderer change style of node. sample code follows.

xtype: 'treepanel',    rootvisible: false,    store: threadstore,    lines: false,    usearrows: true,     columns: [{           xtype : 'treecolumn',           text: 'email',           dataindex: 'name',           flex: 1,           renderer: function (value, metadata) {                 //todo apply logic here...                 if(value==='thread1'){                     metadata.tdattr = 'bgcolor="red"';               }               return value;           }       }  


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