ios - how to resolve the hostname of a device in my LAN from its ip address on this LAN? -

i have resolve hostname of device in lan ip address on lan. have code works external ip address not internally connected devices .

below have attached code .

if have idea hostname of remote machine it's ip in ios/osx, it'll make day.

  int error; struct addrinfo *results = null;  error = getaddrinfo("", null, null, &results); if (error != 0) {     nslog (@"could not info address");  }  (struct addrinfo *r = results; r; r = r->ai_next) {     char hostname[ni_maxhost] = {0};     error = getnameinfo(r->ai_addr, r->ai_addrlen, hostname, sizeof hostname, null, 0 , 0);     if (error != 0)     {         continue; // try next 1     }     else     {         nslog (@"found hostname: %s", hostname);         break;     } }   freeaddrinfo(results); 

or nshost

nslog(@"%@ \n%@",[nshost currenthost],[[nshost hostwithaddress:@""] names]); 

only way make dns lookup directly specific dns implement protocol or use library.
