jquery - select2 can i show the default list of options in the select2 ajax call -

how can show default list of options in select2 ajax call plugin.

before typing characters wanna show atleast 10 options in drop down list.

$(".doctor_id_pat1").select2({             placeholder: "search users",             minimuminputlength: 0,             ajax: {                 url: "test.php",                 datatype: 'json',                 data: function (term) {                     return {                         q: term                     };                 },                 results: function (data, page) {                      console.log(data);                      return {                               results: $.map(data, function (item) {                                 return {                                     text: item.text,                                     id: item.id                                 }                             })                        };                 }             }             }); 

select2 gives customizable select box support searching, tagging, remote data sets, infinite scrolling, , many other highly used options.


<input type="hidden" id="select" value="" style="width:300px;" /><br /> 


var default_options = [     { id: 'def1', text: 'default choice 1' },    //your options goes here ];  var ajax_options = [     { id: '1', text: 'choice 1' },   //your options goes here ];  var lastoptions = default_options;  $('#select').select2({     minimuminputlength: 0,     query: function(options) {         if (options.term) {             $.ajax({                 type: 'post',                 url: '/echo/json/',                 datatype: 'json',                 data: {                     json: json.stringify(ajax_options),                     delay: 0.3                 },                 success: function(data) {                     lastoptions = data;                     options.callback({ results: data });                 }            });         } else {             options.callback({ results: lastoptions });         }     } }); 

fiddled here


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