compilation - How to compile and run pas2php from source code? -

i student in computer science, , learning logic programming pascal.

i have found interesting pascal php transpiler (, pas2php (

on webpage, have written:

pas2php convert object pascal php, alowing write web applications using lazarus/freepascal, , run application on standard html/php server.

as guide pas2php can achieve... web page written in pascal, , converted php. (the code in source package) pas2php uses pascal parse tree classes (pastree) comes freepascal, , therefore parsing limits defined library. far, of core object pascal language features compete, there still lot of work needed before i''d class tool being "ready".');

you can download lastest source of pas2php site includes example project. there isn't documentation, so, if want use pas2php, have experiment code.

i have downloaded it, there no useful information in documentation. because don't understand documentation, so, tried compiled it.

i have opened , compiled project.lpi lazarus 1.4.0. index.cgi has been created on disk. when run command prompt, printed screen:

pas2php v0.4 converts standard pascal php copyright (c) 2014 derek john evans  unit 'index' date. unit 'p2phtml' date. unit 'p2psystem' date. unit 'p2pstringlist' date. unit 'pagecolumnright' date. unit 'sitedefines' date. unit 'tabsheetbuzz' date. unit 'tabsheetcontacts' date. unit 'tabsheetcredits' date. unit 'tabsheetgeep' date. unit 'htmlsoftwarelist' date. unit 'tabsheetpas2php' date. unit 'tabsheetpas2phpexamples' date. unit 'tabsheetpas2phpfeatures' date. unit 'tabsheetwascal' date.  package conversion complete. 

then, browser go to: http://localhost:8008/index.php. return nothing.

how compile , run pas2php source code?.

you need open project.lpi in project/ lazarus.

(in response edits:)

it seems archive contained example converted pascal php, , generated again.

so need setup php installation , make find generate php , start playing it. luck!
