r - rChart forceY multiBar "Bar start" not correct in rmarkdown -

when run r code in console, output expected, when run in rmarkdown result:

the bars not start @ forced y = 0.4

the complete rmarkdown minimum example looks this:  --- title: "untitled" author: "sda" output: html_document ---   ```{r} library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(rcharts) library(data.table) ```  ```{r results = 'asis', comment = f, message = f, tidy = f, echo=f, cache=f}  mydata <- data.table(xaxis = rep(seq(0,length.out = 3),each = 2),                      value = c(0.6,0.8,0.4,0.55,0.87,0.42),                      type = c("a", "b", "a", "b", "a", "b"))    #' create multibarchart using nvd3 of rcharts   plot <- nplot(value ~ xaxis, group = 'type',                              data = mydata, type = 'multibarchart')    plot$chart(forcey = c(0.5, 1))  plot$show('iframesrc', cdn = true)   ``` bars start low  

so forcey not seem work correctly. there easy workaround this?

the easiest workaround save plot , display in iframe. example follows:

--- title: "untitled" author: "sda" output: html_document ---   ```{r} library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(rcharts) library(data.table) ```  ```{r results = 'asis', comment = f, message = f, tidy = f, echo=f, cache=f}  mydata <- data.table(xaxis = rep(seq(0,length.out = 3),each = 2),                      value = c(0.6,0.8,0.4,0.55,0.87,0.42),                      type = c("a", "b", "a", "b", "a", "b"))     plot <- nplot(value ~ xaxis, group = 'type',                              data = mydata, type = 'multibarchart')  plot$chart(ydomain = c(0.5, 1)) plot$save("plot.html", standalone = true)   ```  <iframe src="plot.html" height="500" width="900" frameborder="0"></iframe> 

note used ydomain instead of forcey. did because forcey displayed graph y=0.4 in computer. however, chart shown correctly using forcey.

you can find discussion got idea solution here: https://github.com/ramnathv/rcharts/issues/373


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