Build error from Installing Apache Zeppelin -

i @ wits end trying apache zeppelin running on linux vm. following tutorial:

i have done following:

  1. git clone machine
  2. now trying run 'mvn clean package'

i following error summary, need running.

[info] reactor summary: [info] [info] zeppelin .......................................... success [16.124s] [info] zeppelin: interpreter ............................. success [36.026s] [info] zeppelin: zengine ................................. success [27.440s] [info] zeppelin: spark ................................... success [53.438s] [info] zeppelin: markdown interpreter .................... success [6.041s] [info] zeppelin: angular interpreter ..................... success [7.397s] [info] zeppelin: shell interpreter ....................... success [4.140s] [info] zeppelin: hive interpreter ........................ success [1:09.114s] [info] zeppelin: tajo interpreter ........................ success [15.153s] [info] zeppelin: web application ......................... failure [0.492s] [info] zeppelin: server .................................. skipped [info] zeppelin: packaging distribution .................. skipped [info] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [info] build failure [info] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [info] total time: 3:57.426s [info] finished at: wed apr 29 12:18:39 edt 2015 [info] final memory: 78m/266m [info] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [error] failed execute goal com.github.eirslett:frontend-maven-plugin:0.0.23:install-node -and-npm (install node , npm) on project zeppelin-web: plugin com.github.eirslett:fron tend-maven-plugin:0.0.23 requires maven version 3.1.0 -> [help 1] [error] [error] see full stack trace of errors, re-run maven -e switch. [error] re-run maven using -x switch enable full debug logging. [error] [error] more information errors , possible solutions, please read follow ing articles: [error] [help 1] n [error] [error] after correcting problems, can resume build command [error] mvn <goals> -rf :zeppelin-web 

i have tried contacting apache incubator team through email ( emails bounced back. ill continue bounce around looking solution.

download , extract , install maven3 (if not installed) , set maven in path

export path=$path:$maven_home/bin

even have updated path variable latest maven. mvn -version shows 2.x

now manually updated maven using update-alternatives.

bdalab@solai:/opt$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/mvn mvn $maven_home/bin/mvn 1

bdalab@solai:/opt$ sudo update-alternatives --config mvn

now, select number referring recent maven3 installation, list of choices
