actionscript 3 - AS3: repeating function in sigle frame timeline -

i'm new in action script. have single frame timeline , there function moves movie clip verticaly. want repeat 3 times. code works, i'm not sure if correct way or if it's complicated.

var pocet:number = 0;  pruh.addeventlistener(event.enter_frame, fl_animatevertically);  function fl_animatevertically(event:event) { if (pruh.y >= stage.stageheight) {     pocet++; } if (pruh.y < stage.stageheight) { pruh.y += 3; } else {     pruh.y = 0 - pruh.y; } if (pocet == 3) {     pruh.removeeventlistener(event.enter_frame, fl_animatevertically); } } 


congratulations on achieving goal.

your code improved in terms of readability. have fl_animatevertically descriptive name, other it's kind of hard figure out what's going on exactly. mean sure adds 3 y results in movement, it's not trivial understand exact behaviour.

that's why want use abstraction or more of top down approach called.. doing @ moment adding value coordinate, result creates animation. want create animation, without going details means.

and sure enough, people created animations code before. that's why can create animation in abstract sense: animation change of property of object on time. in realm of flash animation called tween , there's class doing that..

let's take example code there:

var mytween:tween = new tween(myobject, "x", elastic.easeout, 0, 300, 3, true); 

and apply situation.

var verticalanimation:tween = new tween(pruh, "y", elastic.easeout, pruh.y, stage.stageheight, 3, true); 

you have adjust duration liking. hope see how easier read , maintain, because specify properties of animation duration. can specify easing, makes motion more interesting.

ok, 1 animation, want 3, right? more precisely, want same animation again, when finished. , can that:

var animationcount:uint = 0; var verticalanimation:tween = new tween(pruh, "y", elastic.easeout, pruh.y, stage.stageheight, 3, true);  verticalanimation.addeventlistener(tweenevent.motion_finish, onmotionfinish); // wait animation finished  function onmotionfinish(e:tweenevent):void {     animationcount++; // add 1 counter      if(animationcount >= 3)  // check how many times animation finished far     {         // if last one, remove listener         verticalanimation.removeeventlistener(tweenevent.motion_finish, onmotionfinish);     }     else     {         // otherwise rewind , start again         verticalanimation.rewind();         verticalanimation.start();     } } 

there other libraries built in tween class far more powerful. the 1 greensock popular , easy use can find documentation flash version here
