Install4j Auto Update Silent Version Check Not Working -

i using install4j wrap javafx application cross platform installer.

i refer this , this tutorial create installer auto update silent check.

i have tried multiple times , unable find cause of issue.

the auto updater not being invoked (i guessing unless can direct me verify invoked or not)

i can guarantee updates.xml file located in right place when manually invoke updater.exe on folder, working intended (dialogs , came out nicely).

hoping advice stucked here.

thanks spend time answer question


launcher integration settings

do note "launch in new process" checkbox ticked or not, result still same - auto-updating not firing

edit 2

the following helped faced current issue.

as mentioned @ingokegel, javfx not supported yet (currently install4j version 6.0.2) have invoked manually.

using integrated wizard, code snippet given. place in java program anywhere want. issue want address (which not clear) just, jar file the

import com.install4j.api.launcher.applicationlauncher

to work. based on here,

when want use install4j classes within ide, can add $install4j_home/resource/i4jruntime.jar classpath (in ide). not distribute jar file application, install4j handle you.

so, link jar file , ok.

as of 6.0.2, "launch mode" setting "when first window shown" works awt/swing windows, not javafx windows. plan support in future release.

currently, have use integration wizard , add code application invokes updater. see "start integration wizard" button on "launcher integration" tab in screen shot.

update: has been implemented in install4j 6.1.
