c# - ComboBox not updating display value after change -
i have following combobox on tab:
<combobox name="empnorulelistbox" isreadonly="true" itemssource="{binding adjustmentsettings.empnorulecollection}" displaymemberpath="description" selecteditem="{binding adjustmentsettings.selectedempnorule, mode=twoway}" issynchronizedwithcurrentitem="true" horizontalalignment="left" width="300" />
and adjustmentsettings model is:
public class adjustmentsettingsmodel : modelbase<adjustmentsettingsmodel> { public string company { get; set; } public boolean reloademployeedata { get; set; } public boolean sortbyname { get; set; } public boolean applyjustificationrules { get; set; } public int32 seednumber { get; set; } public boolean scanformismatchedcodes { get; set; } public boolean reloadhrtables { get; set; } public empnorule selectedempnorule { { return _selectedempnorule; } set { if (_selectedempnorule != value) { _selectedempnorule = value; notifypropertychanged(m => m.selectedempnorule); } } } private empnorule _selectedempnorule; public empnorulecollection empnorulecollection { get; set; } } public class empnorulecollection : observablecollection<empnorule>, inotifypropertychanged { . . . } public class empnorule : modelbase<empnorule> { #region initialization & cleanup // overriding gethashcode prevents clone operation marking // object dirty when first cloned public override int gethashcode() { return gethashcode(this); } private int gethashcode(object item, params string[] excludeprops) { int hashcode = 0; foreach (var prop in item.gettype().getproperties()) { if (!excludeprops.contains(prop.name)) { object propval = prop.getvalue(item, null); if (propval != null) { hashcode = hashcode ^ propval.gethashcode(); } } } return hashcode; } public override bool equals(system.object obj) { // if parameter null return false. if (obj == null) { return false; } // if parameter cannot cast empnorule return false. empnorule p = obj empnorule; if ((system.object)p == null) { return false; } // return true if fields match: return (obj == p); } public empnorule() { } #endregion initialization & cleanup /// <summary> /// description /// </summary> [xmlelement("description")] public string description { { return _description; } set { if (_description != value) { this._description = value; notifypropertychanged(m => m.description); } } } private string _description = ""; /// <summary> /// formula /// </summary> [xmlelement("formula")] public string formula { { return _formula; } set { if (_formula != value) { this._formula = value; notifypropertychanged(m => m.formula); } } } private string _formula = ""; }
everything works correctly except displayed value in combobox not change when select different empnorule. value of selectedempnorule correctly set/updated , if change tab , come one, drop down value updated.
your code not show how update empnorulecollection property, assume reassigning new collection property. not update combobox unless publish propertychanged event on "empnorulecollection".
i believe reason why changing tab update combobox because binding pulls values empnorulecollection collection again when switch tab.
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