node.js - Express.js + Facebook -

i'm experiencing problems trying express app working. want call function in (response.status === 'connected') if branch, inside facebook getloginstatus function. here's code:

    (function(){       var app = angular.module('appprova', ['ngresource']);       app.controller('friendfetcherctrl', ['$window', function($window){         this.getfriends = function(){           console.log('getfriends()');         };         this.login = function() {           console.log('login()');           $window.fbasyncinit = function() {             fb.init({                appid: '****************',               xfbml: true,               version : 'v2.3'             });             fb.getloginstatus(function(response) {               if (response.status === 'connected') {                 console.log('logged in.');                 this.getfriends();                 /*facebook graph query*/               }               else {                 fb.login(function() { /* */ }, { scope : 'user_friends, public_profile' });               }             });           };           (function(d, s, id) {             var js, fjs = d.getelementsbytagname(s)[0];              if (d.getelementbyid(id)) {                return;              }              js = d.createelement(s);     = id;              js.src = "//";              fjs.parentnode.insertbefore(js, fjs);           }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));         };       }]);     })(); 

the login function called ng-init directive inside div. when load html page error "typeerror: this.getfriends not function". maybe problem call this.getfriends() inside function define in $window. how can things working?

thank in advance, francesco

edit: think know probles "this" keyword how can make work without?

that's simple. inside fb.getloginstatus, this pointing else. work-around:

(function(){       var app = angular.module('appprova', ['ngresource']);       app.controller('friendfetcherctrl', ['$window', function($window){         this.getfriends = function(){           console.log('getfriends()');         };         var self = this;         this.login = function() {           console.log('login()');           $window.fbasyncinit = function() {             fb.init({                appid: '****************',               xfbml: true,               version : 'v2.3'             });             fb.getloginstatus(function(response) {               if (response.status === 'connected') {                 console.log('logged in.');                 self.getfriends(); //self point in app.controller's function                 /*facebook graph query*/               }               else {                 fb.login(function() { /* */ }, { scope : 'user_friends, public_profile' });               }             });           };           (function(d, s, id) {             var js, fjs = d.getelementsbytagname(s)[0];              if (d.getelementbyid(id)) {                return;              }              js = d.createelement(s);     = id;              js.src = "//";              fjs.parentnode.insertbefore(js, fjs);           }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));         };       }]);     })(); 


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