node.js - Mongoose storing model in the wrong collection -

i've been working @ bug couple hours i'm @ loss @ going on.

i'm using mongoose define model in following manner:

var mongoose = require('mongoose');  var soilschema = mongoose.schema({     name: string,     fertility: number,     waterretention: number, }, { collection: 'soils' });  var soil = mongoose.model('soil', soilschema); module.exports = soil; 

i have function that's called seedsoil use seed initial data:

soil = require('../soil.js');  exports.seedsoil = function(){     soil.find(function(err, soils){         if(soils.length){             console.log('some soils exist, not seeding');             return;         }          console.log('seeding base soils');         new soil({             name: 'fertile soil',             fertility: .90,             waterretention: .60,         }).save();          new soil({             name: 'loamy soil',             fertility: .6,             waterretention: .80,         }).save();          new soil({             name: 'sandy soil',             fertility: .4,             waterretention: .2,         }).save();     }); } 

so problem code trying put above data collection called users , schema of collection defined in file. cannot figure out why doing unfortunately..

i can show code in main express js file well, in case: cannot figure out user model getting shoved in front. can post user class if necessary well.

var http = require('http'),     express = require('express'),     cookieparser = require('cookie-parser'),     bodyparser = require('body-parser'),     session = require('express-session'),     passport = require('passport'),     flash = require('connect-flash'),     jquery = require('jquery');  var message = require('./lib/random_message.js'),     credentials = require('./credentials.js'),     starter_soils = require('./models/seed_data/starter_soils.js');  var app = express();  require('./lib/passport.js')(passport); // pass passport configuration   var handlebars = require('express3-handlebars').create({      defaultlayout: 'main',     helpers: {         static: function(name) {             return require('./lib/static.js').map(name);         },         json: function(context) {             return json.stringify(context);         }     } }); app.engine('handlebars', handlebars.engine); app.set('view engine', 'handlebars');  app.set('port', process.env.port || 3000);  app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));  //set logging  switch(app.get('env')){     case 'development':         app.use(require('morgan')('dev'));         break;     case 'production':         app.use(require('express-logger')({             path: __dirname + '/log/requests.log'         }));         break; }  // set page testing app.use(function(req, res, next){     //console.log(res.req.query);     res.locals.showtests = app.get('env') !== 'production' && res.req.query.test === '1';     next(); });  // set mongoose var mongoose = require('mongoose'); var opts = {     server: {         socketoptions: { keepalive: 1 }     } }; switch(app.get('env')){     case 'development':         mongoose.connect(credentials.mongo.development.connectionstring, opts);         break;     case 'production':         mongoose.connect(credentials.mongo.production.connectionstring, opts);         break;     default:         throw new error('unknown execution environment: ' + app.get('env')); }  starter_soils.seedsoil(); 

edit: added user class requested

var mongoose = require('mongoose'),     bcrypt = require('bcrypt-nodejs'),     salt_work_factor = 10;  var userschema = mongoose.schema({     username: string,     password: string,     email: string,     joindate: { type: date, default: },     version: number,     lastaction: date, });  userschema.methods.generatehash = function(password) {     return bcrypt.hashsync(  password, bcrypt.gensaltsync(salt_work_factor), null); };  // checking if password valid userschema.methods.validpassword = function(password) {     return bcrypt.comparesync(password, this.password); };  var user = mongoose.model('user', userschema); module.exports = user; 


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