rdf - SPARQL query for Dublin Core -

i'm new in field of ontology. i'm using dublin core additional ontology ontology i'm creating curriculum ontology. but, i'm having trouble on how can retrieve information.

for example, have class named, bibliographic resource, class in dublin core ontology. in class, have member named introduction_to_computer_science_1 , in member, have data property named, alternative title string value named ics book. want retrieve alternative title of member ics book. i'm using sparql query language , protégé ontology tool. query

select ?title      where{          <http://semanticweb.org/learningplanontology#introduction_to_computer_science_1> dc:'alternative title' ?title.     } 

can tell me what's wrong query?

this did , worked. think might have syntax issue:

prefix : <http://www.bbc.co.uk/ontologies/curriculum#> prefix dcterms:  <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> select distinct * where{    :introduction_to_computer_science_1 dcterms:alternative ?title } 

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