concatenation - Hide using ngClick in AngularJs -

i have table of profils, add 1 click in button, setadded() function show form.
want when select multiple technologies specific labels shown. tried didn't work.

i have form this:

<form>   <div>     <input type="text"            ng-model="profil.libelleprofil_en" />      <label>display</label>     <input type="checkbox"            ng-model="profil.displayprofil" />      <label>technologie</label>     <select multiple>       <option value="{{tecno.idtechnologie}}"                ng-repeat="tecno in technologies"                ng-click="setclicked({{tecno.idtechnologie}})">          {{tecno.libelletechnologie_en}}       </option>     </select>      <div ng-repeat="tecno in technologies">       <label ng-hide="tecsel{{tecno.idtechnologie}}">          {{tecno.libelletechnologie_en}}</label>       <input ng-model="profil.libelleprofil_en" type="text"               ng-hide="tecsel{{tecno.idtechnologie}}" />        <label ng-hide="tecsel{{tecno.idtechnologie}}">          {{tecno.libelletechnologie_en}} profil name</label>       <input ng-model="profil.libelleprofil_en" type="text"               ng-hide="tecsel{{tecno.idtechnologie}}" />      </div>     <button ng-click="addprofil(profil)">new profil</button>   </div> </form> 

and in script have this:

$scope.setadded = function(){                                $scope.addstate = !$scope.addstate;                  $scope.table = [];                 angular.foreach($scope.technologies,function(value,key){                    var j = value.idtechnologie;                    $scope.table.push(j);                    $scope.tecsel +""+ j == true;                });             }; 


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