dataframe - Looking to transpose a data frame on multiple columns in R -

here sample dataframe have

 mydataf.tickersymbol mydataf.yr_qtr mydataf.act_mean 1                  abc          20084               bb 2                  abc          20091               bb 3                  abc          20092               bb 4                  abc          20093               bb 5                  def          20084               bb 6                  def          20091               bb 7                  def          20092               bb 8                  def          20093               bb 9                  def          20094               bb 10                 gef          20092               bb 11                 gef          20093               bb 12                 gef          20094                m 

trying output of joining on yr_qtr each ticker , caring missing data valued. can go through , loop , create logic checks seems through data frames should able using r dataframe capabilities?

       20084    20091   20092   20093   20094 abc     aa      bb      bb      bb       def     bb      bb      bb      bb      bm gef                     bb      bb      m 

i do:

library(tidyr) df %>% spread(mydataf.yr_qtr, mydataf.act_mean) 

or using reshape2 package:

library(reshape2) dcast(df, mydataf.tickersymbol ~ mydataf.yr_qtr,                         value.var = "mydataf.act_mean") 

which gives:

  mydataf.tickersymbol 20084 20091 20092 20093 20094 1                  abc    bb    bb    bb    bb  <na> 2                  def    bb    bb    bb    bb    bb 3                  gef  <na>  <na>    bb    bb     m 

or if need "mydataf.tickersymbol" row names, use acast give matrix output , convert data.frame

library(reshape)#reshape2_1.4, mydataf.tickersymbol~mydataf.yr_qtr,                value.var='mydataf.act_mean', fill='')) #     20084 20091 20092 20093 20094 # abc    bb    bb    bb    bb       # def    bb    bb    bb    bb    bb # gef                bb    bb     m 
