unity3d - Object Collision Issue - Weird Behaviour - Unity -

i wondering if give me hand problem i'm having objects , collisions in unity.

i have sphere object being controlled users phone's accelerometer. sphere moves around fine once hits wall sphere starts acting weird. pulls in direction of wall collided with, starts bouncing, , overall not responsive anymore movement of phone.

any idea why happening?

here script used control player's sphere.

using unityengine; using system.collections;  public class playercontroller : monobehaviour { public float speed; void update() {     vector3 dir = vector3.zero;     dir.x = input.acceleration.x;     dir.z = input.acceleration.y;     if (dir.sqrmagnitude > 1)         dir.normalize();      dir *= time.deltatime;     transform.translate(dir * speed); }  void ontriggerenter (collider other)  {     if (other.gameobject.tag == "pickup") {         other.gameobject.setactive(false);     } } }  

that happens because object has 'rigidbody' component, and, suppose, it's not kinetic rigidbody. basically, behaves should: real physical object not pass through object, basic behaviour of physics engine. however, since don't operate physics-based object using forces, manually change it's position, break level of abstraction. in result, move object inside wall, , can't out.

use applyforce method instead. if want pull or push object (instead of move, contradicts fact these objects managed physics) in direction every frame, should use forcemode.acceleration (or forcemode.force, if want effect depend on mass) every physics frame, means have use fixedupdate method instead of update.


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