php - How to limit the products on homepage magento also show all properties? -

i using magento rwd theme.

i want limit number of products shown 4. want show things add cart button, reviews section , price.

currently tried , tested following code it's not working.

 {{block type="catalog/product_list" name="product_list" category_id="19"  mode="grid" template="catalog/product/list.phtml" column_count="4" limit="4" }} 

how can done?

i attaching screenshot of output getting. output screenshot

you can not set 'limit' catalog/product_list block in such way.

the best place (please correct me if there better place/event) via event 'core_block_abstract_prepare_layout_before'.

this allow instantiate toolbar , change limit.

the code easy , straightforward. observer file,

class test_module_controller_router { public function homeproductcollection($observer)     {         try{             $block=$observer->getevent()->getblock();             if($block instanceof mage_catalog_block_product_list){                 if($block->getproductlimit()){                     $toolbar=$block->gettoolbarblock();                     $block->settoolbarblockname($toolbar->getnameinlayout());                     $toolbar->setdata('_current_limit',$block->getproductlimit());                 }                }         }catch (exception $e){             mage::logexception($e);         }         return $this;     } } 

your xml file,

<config>     ...     <global>         ...         <events>             <core_block_abstract_prepare_layout_before>                 <observers>                     <test_module>                         <class>test_module_controller_router</class>                         <method>homeproductcollection</method>                     </test_module>                 </observers>             </core_block_abstract_prepare_layout_before>         </events>         ...     </global>     ... </config> 

the cms block used create this:

{{block type="catalog/product_list" category_id="3" product_limit="2" template="catalog/product/list.phtml"}} 

for more information check here
