Spam Referral people on my Wordpress -

for time in google analytics observe busy foreign sites. these spam site. how can protect? screen ga:

these called "ghost referrals" , best way rid of them add new view , create include filter it.

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first go the analytics admin section , choose account , property you'd apply filter to. create new view " (ghost referalls filter)". trust me on create new 1 , don't reuse existing one. i'll explain later.

add new filter freshly created view. select custom tab, mark include radio button, , choose hostname dropdown. you'll want enter sites hostnames separated or operator "|" , make sure add backslash before each period. white list hostnames , block other sites sending fake data muddy analytics reports.

example entry


google analytics add filter screenshot

so why new view?

if add filter existing view permanently change view , of past data.

i don't see data

unfortunately analytics doesn't apply filters past data. of data in filtered view day assigned onwards. give few days , you'll using original view less , less.
