assembly - ARM Assembler on Raspberry Pi loading hexadecimals as constants if the hexadecimal contains a letter -
i have program converts numbers ascii in gnu arm assembler can printed.
when mov r0, #130
, hexadecimal 82 , printed after executing rest of code. i've tried mov r0, #1280
, program prints 500 correct. r0
input program basically.
now when try mov r0, #230
or mov r0, #330
doesn't work correctly. hexadecimals e6 #230 b6 while hex 14a #330 gets me error. can see, these hexadecimals contain letters.i error runs , says it's loaded constant instead? can explain theory behind , give me clues how solve it?.
error: invalid constant (14a) after fixup
.data tab: .asciz "0123456789abcedf" message: .space 200 message2: .space 200 message3: .space 200 .text _start: @mov r0, #130 @ldr r11, =message @bl print32bitar mov r0, #130 ldr r11, =message2 b print32bitar mov r0,#1 mov r7,#1 swi 0x0 print32bitar: stmdb sp!,{r1-r10,r12} mov r1, #0xf0000000 mov r2, #0 mov r3, #0 mov r4, #0 mov r6, #32 mov r5, #0 mov r7,#0 mov r9, #0 mov r8, r11 mov r10, #0 mov r12, #0 loop: mov r3, #8 mov r5, r0 , r5, r1 sub r6, #4 lsr r5, r6 lsr r1, #4 add r4, #1 ldr r7, =tab ldrb r9, [r7,r5] cmp r12, #1 beq storeloop cmp r9, #48 bne flagloop b loop storeloop: strb r9, [r8],#4 cmp r3,r4 bne loop mov r0, #1 mov r1, r11 mov r2, #100 mov r7, #4 swi 0x0 ldmia sp!, {r1-r10,r12} flagloop: mov r12, #1 b storeloop
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