php - Options -Indexes displays seemingly random string -

i trying disallow directory browsing adding options -indexes .htaccess file on website. when try load page directory browsing turned off, shown seemingly random string on blank page. want disallowed pages show 403 error.

the string is: ‹³É(Éͱãâ´Éhml±ãrn›’Ì’œt;c·ü¢¤Ì””Ô<}ˆ x…>bµmr~j%lcsiqi~®hoj~rinj^‰ž~ld1p?Èv&Ž§­|

the .htaccess file:

options -indexes  setenvifnocase user-agent "^libwww-perl*" block_bad_bots deny env=block_bad_bots  rewriteengine on rewritebase / rewritecond %{http_user_agent} libwww-perl.*  rewriterule .* – [f,l] rewritecond %{http_host} ^www\.(.*)$ [nc] rewriterule ^(.*)$ http://%1/$1 [r=301,l] rewritecond %{http_host} ^awkwardpetsiblings\.org [nc] rewriterule (.*) http://awkwardpetsiblings\.com/?!=/$1 [r=301,l] rewritecond %{http_host} ^awkwardpetsiblings\.net [nc] rewriterule (.*) http://awkwardpetsiblings\.com/?!=/$1 [r=301,l] rewritecond %{http_host} ^awkwardpetsiblings\.x10host\.com [nc] rewriterule (.*) http://awkwardpetsiblings\.com/?!=/$1 [r=301,l]  errordocument 403: "/php/err/403.php" errordocument 404: "/php/err/404.php" errordocument 500: "/php/err/500.php"  addoutputfilterbytype deflate text/plain addoutputfilterbytype deflate text/html addoutputfilterbytype deflate text/xml addoutputfilterbytype deflate text/css addoutputfilterbytype deflate text/javascript addoutputfilterbytype deflate image/svg addoutputfilterbytype deflate image/svg+xml addoutputfilterbytype deflate application/xml addoutputfilterbytype deflate application/xhtml+xml addoutputfilterbytype deflate application/rss+xml addoutputfilterbytype deflate application/javascript addoutputfilterbytype deflate application/x-javascript  <ifmodule mod_deflate.c>   <filesmatch ".(css|js|x?html?|php|svg)$">     setoutputfilter deflate   </filesmatch> </ifmodule>  <ifmodule mod_expires.c>   expiresactive on   expiresdefault "access plus 1 seconds"   expiresbytype text/html "access plus 1 seconds"   expiresbytype text/css "access plus 86400 seconds"   expiresbytype text/javascript "access plus 86400 seconds"   expiresbytype application/javascript "access plus 86400 seconds"   expiresbytype application/x-javascript "access plus 86400 seconds"   expiresbytype image/x-icon "access plus 604800 seconds"   expiresbytype image/gif "access plus 604800 seconds"   expiresbytype image/jpeg "access plus 604800 seconds"   expiresbytype image/png "access plus 604800 seconds"   expiresbytype font/woff2 "access plus 31560000 seconds"   expiresbytype application/x-font-woff "access plus 31560000 seconds" </ifmodule>  header unset etag fileetag none 

the webpage can tell me going on?
