mvc - Getting model value in jquery -

my view contains model property , submit button,

@html.labelfor(m => m.password) @html.passwordfor(m => m.password, new { id = "txtlgnpasswordreset", @class = "form-control avoid-copy-paste" }) <div class="row vert-offset-top-2 vert-offset-bottom-2">       <div class="col-md-2">           <button id="submitsave" type="submit" class="btn btncolor ladda-button">save</button>       </div> </div> 

on click of login button need password value in jquery, i've tried doesn't help..

$(document).ready(function() {     var password = $("#txtlgnpasswordreset").html();     $("#submitsave").on("click", function() {         alert(password);         $.ajax({          });     }); }); 

thanks in advance...

you need use $.fn.val() method instead of $.fn.html()

get current value of first element in set of matched elements or set value of every matched element.


var password = $("#txtlgnpasswordreset").val(); alert(password);   
