Import from RDBMS DB2 To Document DB OrientDB -

in database cu242176 dbms orientdb version 2.0.7 table m_perm:

perm_desc:string; perm_id:integer not null; perm_name:string. 

in database cu242176 dbms db2 version 9.1 table m_perm of same structure. in table 14 rows. module orientdb-etl did import data. no errors, there no data in table. while table created index on perm_id. here config:

    {   "config":{     "log": "debug"   },   "extractor" : {     "jdbc":      {  "driver": "",        "url": "jdbc:db2://its-c:50000/cu242176",        "username": "metr",        "userpassword": "metr1",        "query": "select perm_desc,perm_id,perm_name metr.m_perm"     }   },   "transformers":[   ],   "loader" : {     "orientdb": {       "dburl": "plocal:c:/program files/orientdb-community-2.0.7/databases/cu242176",       "dbuser": "admin",       "dbpassword": "admin",       "dbautocreate": false,       "standardelementconstraints": false,       "tx":true,       "wal":false,       "batchcommit":1000,       "dbtype": "document",       "classes":[{"name": "m_perm"}],       "indexes": [{"class":"m_perm", "fields":["perm_id:integer"], "type":"unique" }]     }   } } 

log executed command (oetl config_import_m_perm_jdbc.json):

orientdb etl v.2.0.7 (build @build@) [orientdb] debug opening database 'plocal:c:/program files/orientdb-community-2.0.7/databases/ cu242176'...  2015-04-29 14:39:34:562 warning {db=cu242176} segment file 'database.ocf' not closed corre ctly last time [osinglefilesegment]begin etl processor [orientdb] debug orientdb: found 0 documents in class 'null' end etl processor extracted 29 records (0 records/sec) - 29 records -> loaded 14 documents (0 documents/sec) t otal time: 159ms [0 warnings, 0 errors] 

how resolve issue? 14 lines loaded table.

instead of:

"classes": [{"name": "m_perm"}], 


  "class": "m_perm" 

i can't see documented anywhere worked me.
