javascript - Quiz answer highlighting both options -
i building employability quiz @ university , each question has yes , no answer.
if click yes answer, highlights green , shows answer below.
if click no answer however, highlights red, , highlights yes answer box green though hasn't been clicked.
this question 1 html:
$(document).ready(function() { //get total of questions var $questionnumber = $('h2').length; console.log($questionnumber); //caching final score var $totalscore = 0; $('li').click(function() { //caching variables var $parent = $(this).parent(); var $span = $(this).find('.fa'); //deactivate options on click $parent.find('li').off("click"); //check .correct class //if yes if ($(this).hasclass('correct')) { //add .correctanswer class $(this).addclass('correctanswer'); //find next span , change icon $span.removeclass('fa fa-square-o').addclass('fa fa-check-square-o'); //reduce opacity of siblings $(this).siblings().addclass('fade'); //show answer var $answerreveal = $'.answerreveal').show(); var $toshowcorrect = $answerreveal.find('.quizzanswerc'); var $toshowfalse = $answerreveal.find('.quizzanswerf'); $; $toshowfalse.remove(); //add 1 total score $totalscore += 1; //console.log($totalscore); } else { //add .wronganswer class $(this).addclass('wronganswer').addclass('fade'); //change icon $span.removeclass('fa fa-square-o').addclass('fa fa-check-square-o'); //reduce opacity of siblings $(this).siblings().addclass('fade'); //show wrong message var $answerreveal = $'.answerreveal').show(); var $toshowcorrect = $answerreveal.find('.quizzanswerc'); var $toshowfalse = $answerreveal.find('.quizzanswerf'); $toshowcorrect.remove(); $; //locate correct answer , highlight $parent.find('.correct').addclass('correctanswer'); }; }); //end click function //print results function printresult() { var resulttext = '<p>'; if ($totalscore === $questionnumber) { resulttext += 'you got ' + $totalscore + ' out of ' + $questionnumber + '! </p>'; $('.resultcontainer').append(resulttext); $('#halftext').append('<p>wow, one!</p>'); $('#halfimage').append('<img src="" width="100%"><img>'); } else if ($totalscore >= 3 && $totalscore < $questionnumber) { resulttext += 'you got ' + $totalscore + ' out of ' + $questionnumber + '! </p>'; $('.resultcontainer').append(resulttext); $('#halftext').append('<p>thats pretty good, there still more do.</p>'); $('#halfimage').append('<img src="" width="100%"><img>'); } else if ($totalscore < 3) { resulttext += 'you got ' + $totalscore + ' out of ' + $questionnumber + ' </p>'; $('.resultcontainer').append(resulttext); $('#halftext').append('<p>dont worry, careers team here on track!</p>'); $('#halfimage').append('<img src="" width="100%"><img>'); } }; //end function //final score $('ul').last().click(function() { //prevent further clicks on $(this).off('click'); //show result after last li clicked var $height = $('.finalresult').height(); printresult(); $('.finalresult').show(); $('html, body').animate({ scrolltop: $(document).height() - $height }, 1400); }); }); //end dom ready
body { background: #fff; font-family: 'open sans', sans-serif; font-size: 1em; } .container { width: 100%; } .inner { width: 60%; margin: 0 auto; } ul { list-style-type: none; margin-left: -40px; } h2 { margin-top: 50px; } /*********************** list ***********************/ .simplelistanswer:hover { /*background:#fff195;*/ cursor: pointer; } .simplelistanswer, .quizzanswer { width: 100%; background: #f2f2f2; padding: 9px; margin-top: 12px; border: 1px solid #d8d8d8; } .simplelisttext { margin-left: 8px; font-size: 19px; color: #3d3d3d; } /***************************answer reveal******************/ .quizzanswerc, .quizzanswerf, .finalresult { background: #fefefe; border: 1px solid #ddd; width: 100%; } .answerreveal { display: none; width: 100%; } .answerheader div { color: #84f272; margin-top: 10px; } #bravo, #sorry { width: 100%; margin-left: 10px; margin-top: 15px; margin-right: 10px; font-size: 15px; } .answerheader { margin-left: 20px; width: 100%; } h3.correctmessage { color: #88f078; font-size: 30px; } h3.wrongmessage { color: #ff1f1f; font-size: 30px; } .fa.fa-check-circle, .fa.fa-times-circle { padding-right: 10px; } .correctanswer { background: #88f078; } .wronganswer { background: #ff1f1f; } .fade { opacity: .6; cursor: default; }
<script src=""></script> <h2>1. know where/how find out work experience, internship , placement opportunities</h2> <ul class="simplelist"> <li class="simplelistanswer correct"> <span class="fa fa-square-o"></span> <span class="simplelisttext">yes know look.</span> </li> <li class="simplelistanswer"> <span class="fa fa-square-o"></span> <span class="simplelisttext">no i'm not sure.</span> </li> </ul> <!--end simplelist--> <div class="answerreveal"> <div class="quizzanswerc"> <div class="answerheader"> <h3 class="correctmessage"><i class="fa fa-check-circle "></i>awesome!</h3> </div> <!--end answer header--> <div class="answertext"> <p id="bravo">well done!</p> </div> <!--end asnwertext--> </div> <!--end quizzanswerc--> <div class="quizzanswerf"> <div class="answerheader"> <!--<h3 class="wrongmessage"><i class="fa fa-times-circle"></i>oops!</h3>--> </div> <!--end answer header--> <div class="answertext"> <p id="sorry">you can find more information on in room 014</p> </div> <!--end asnwertext--> </div> <!--end quizzanswerf--> </div> <!--end answerreveal-->
any assistance in stopping double-selection happening appreciated can't work out why it's happening!
you should remove line:
from else section of jquery. it's selecting correct answer , highlighting -- shouldn't.
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