ruby on rails - form_for when updating fails, though creation works? -

i have model, disc.

the disc#new action passes @disc = view has simple form_for helper, reading

form_for(:disc, url: {action: 'create'}) |f|   # usual text fields etc follow 

in discs_controller.rb, have private method disc_params, reads params.require(:disc).permit(:owner, :title) , on. disc#create says disc.create(disc_params).

that works totally fine. run trouble creating edit form.

disc#edit reads @disc = disc.find(params[:id]). edit view exact clone of new view, opening line reads form_for(:disc, url: {action: 'update', id:}). submits disc#update, reads disc.find(params[:id]).update(disc_params).

this seems me should work, evidently i'm wrong, throws following error: param missing or value empty: disc.

the trace points these 2 lines:

params.require(:disc).permit(:owner_id, :title, :contents) 



this one's stumping me. i'd appreciate if clarify why doesn't seem work.

instead of using this:

form_for(:disc, url: {action: 'create'}) |f| form_for(:disc, url: {action: 'update', id:}) |f| 

just provide instance of disc model:

form_for @disc |f| 

it surely should eliminate errors (generate correct url , method) , gives opportunity use same form new , edit actions.
