java - exe from jar can't access MySQL from localhost -

i have gui application connect mysql through xampp. running netbeans fine, when wrap exe using launch4j jar, can't connect database (it reaches exception though interface still working)

i've choose custom classpath , contains mysql library.

enter image description here

and throws exception:

try         {           // create our mysql database connection           class.forname("com.mysql.jdbc.driver");           conn = drivermanager.getconnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/vietcombank.db?useunicode=yes&characterencoding=utf-8","admin", "123456789");         }         catch (exception e)         {           system.err.println(e.getmessage());         } 

the output of exception com.mysql.jdbc.driver. if run jar cmd direct location java -jar "d:\network programming\serveratm\dist\serveratm.jar" run fine. because launch4j didn't include libraries?

thank you.

instead of :

private string url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/your-database-name";

try use :

private string url = "jdbc:mysql://";
