mysql update with subquery 2 level deep -

thanks taking @ question. i'm kind of lost , hope can me. below update query run.
query returns error:

1054 - unknown column 'spi.et_cross_rank' in 'where clause'

some background:
table: tmp_ranking_tbl
nth(spi.et_return_rank) record
group value x (spi.et_cross_rank)

set @rownum=0;        update strtoer_poule_indeling spi set spi.team_id = (select r.team_poule_id    (select  @rownum:=@rownum+1 rownum, trt.team_poule_id         tmp_ranking_tbl  trt        trt.overal_rank = spi.et_cross_rank         order trt.punten desc, (trt.goals_voor - trt.goals_tegen) desc, trt.goals_voor desc) r   r.rownum = spi.et_return_rank) spi.et_ronde = v_et_ronde , spi.poule_id in (select row_id strtoer_poules toernooi_onderdeel_id=v_onderdeel_id) ; 

data in tmp_ranking_tbl looks like:

team_poule_id | punten | goals_voor | goals_tegen | overal_rank 65            | 6      | 10         | 10          | 2  69            | 6      | 9          | 10          | 2 75            | 7      | 11         | 4           | 2 84            | 6      | 6          | 8           | 2 112           | 5      | 7          | 7           | 2 

thanks in advance help!

update after question in comment goal, i'll try keep short. :-)
query used on website keep scores of tournament. have odd number of teams going next round. @ point want select best number 3(spi.et_cross_rank) team across poules. setting saved in strtoer_poule_indeling rank per poule , 1st, 2nd or nth team(spi.et_return_rank). table tmp_ranking_tbl filled rank 3 teams across poules. when if filled 1st or 2nd, depedining on setting in strtoer_poule_indeling, record return.

subset of structure strtoer_poule_indeling table

row_id | team_id | et_ronde | et_cross_rank | et_return_rank 1      | null    | 1        | 3             | 1 

just check if have column named et_cross_rank on table strtoer_poule_indeling

the problem seems sql can't find column on table.

hope helps.
