What should I return from the LocalCerticateSelection callback in sslstream authenticateAsClient? -
i have certificate generated self-signed , had signed vendor. have connect vendor , authenticate using certificate. when authenticateasclient, localcertificateselection callback gets called validissuers parameter being set 1 signed certificate. certificate should returning callback? when return certificate issued vendor error because certificate not sent server. using following code.
namespace testclientauthenticatehttps { using system; using system.linq; using system.net; using system.net.security; using system.net.sockets; using system.security.authentication; using system.security.cryptography.x509certificates; class program { private readonly x509certificate2collection _certs; private tcpclient _client; private sslstream _sslstream; private const string host = "smr-staging.surescripts.net"; private const string ssserial = "40 1f c1 ea 00 00 00 00 02 44"; private const sslprotocols enabledsslprotocols = sslprotocols.ssl3 | sslprotocols.tls | sslprotocols.tls11 | sslprotocols.tls12; private static void main() { var program = new program(); program.execute(); } private program() { servicepointmanager.securityprotocol = securityprotocoltype.tls12; var certstore = new x509store(storename.my, storelocation.currentuser); certstore.open(openflags.openexistingonly | openflags.readonly); _certs = certstore.certificates.find(x509findtype.findbyserialnumber, ssserial, false); certstore.close(); } private void execute() { connecttohost(); try { opensslconnection(); doauthentication(); } catch (exception e) { { console.writeline(e.message); console.writeline(e.stacktrace); e = e.innerexception; } while (e != null); } { _sslstream.close(); } console.readline(); } private void doauthentication() { try { _sslstream.authenticateasclient(host, _certs, enabledsslprotocols, true); } catch (exception) { console.writeline($"host ({host})"); console.writeline($"_certs = "); _certs.cast<x509certificate>().tolist().foreach(console.writeline); throw; } } private void opensslconnection() { _sslstream = new sslstream(_client.getstream(), false, remotecertificatevalidate, localcertificateselection, encryptionpolicy.allownoencryption); } private static bool remotecertificatevalidate(object sender, x509certificate certificate, x509chain chain, sslpolicyerrors sslpolicyerrors) { return true; } private static x509certificate localcertificateselection(object sender, string host, x509certificatecollection localcertificates, x509certificate remotecertificate, string[] acceptableissuers) { console.writeline($"selecting certificate ({host})"); var acceptable = acceptableissuers.select(s => new x500distinguishedname(s).name?.trim()).where(s => !string.isnullorwhitespace(s)).tolist(); console.writeline("acceptable issuers."); acceptable.foreach(console.writeline); console.writeline("local certificate selected"); var result = acceptableissuers.length == 0 ? localcertificates[0] : localcertificates?.cast<x509certificate2>().first( c => acceptable.any(n => n.equals(c.issuername.name?.trim(), stringcomparison.invariantcultureignorecase)) ); console.writeline(result); return result; } private void connecttohost() { _client = new tcpclient(host, 443); } } }
just make sure certificate returned callback has private key. can setting privatekey property of certificate privatekey property of corresponding self-signed key. if reading ca-issued key certificate store, ensure store opened readwrite instead of readonly.
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