algorithm - Radix sort explanation -

based on radix sort article i'm struggling understand being explained in terms of time complexity of methods in sort.

from link:

let there d digits in input integers. radix sort takes o(d*(n+b)) time b base representing numbers, example, decimal system, b 10. value of d? if k maximum possible value, d o(log_b(k)). overall time complexity o((n+b)*logb(k)). looks more time complexity of comparison based sorting algorithms large k. let first limit k. let k≤nc c constant. in case, complexity becomes o(nlogb(n)).

so understand sort takes o(d*n) since there d digits therefore d passes, , have process n elements, lost there. simple explanation helpful.

assuming use bucket sort sorting on each digit: each digit (d), process numbers (n), placing them in buckets possible values digit may have (b).

we need process buckets, recreating original list. placing items in buckets takes o(n) time, recreating list buckets takes o(n + b) time (we have iterate on buckets , elements inside them), , digits, giving running time of o(d * (n + b)).

this only linear if d constant , b not asymptotically larger n. indeed, if have numbers of log n bits, take o(n log n) time.


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