c# - Web service asp.net POST method -
based on tutorial (http://www.codeproject.com/articles/405189/how-to-access-sql-database-from-an-iphone-app-via)
i try webservices in asp.net. method works... post method don't. (i verify app of chrome "postman") , have , error: error 404, no found end not found
i hope u can me that, i'm started web services.
code asp.net the interface
namespace jsonwcfservice { [servicecontract] public interface igetemployees { [operationcontract] [webinvoke(method = "get", responseformat = webmessageformat.json, bodystyle = webmessagebodystyle.wrapped, uritemplate = "json/employees")] list<employee> getallemployeesmethod(); } [servicecontract] public interface ipostemployees { [operationcontract] [webinvoke(method = "post", responseformat = webmessageformat.json, requestformat = webmessageformat.json, bodystyle = webmessagebodystyle.wrapped, uritemplate = "json/insertemployee/{id1}/{id2}")] bool insertemployeemethod(string id1, string id2); }
the wfc
namespace jsonwcfservice { public class getemployees : igetemployees { public list<employee> getallemployeesmethod() { list<employee> mylist = new list<employee>(); using (sqlconnection conn = new sqlconnection("data source=sqlreportes;database=prueba;persist security info=true;user id=myuser;password=mypassword;multipleactiveresultsets=true;")) { conn.open(); string cmdstr = string.format("select * dbo.empdb"); sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand(cmdstr, conn); sqldatareader rd = cmd.executereader(); if (rd.hasrows) { while (rd.read()) { mylist.add(new employee(rd.getstring(0), rd.getstring(1))); //, rd.getdecimal(2))); } } conn.close(); } return mylist; } //insert database public bool insertemployeemethod(string id1, string id2) { int success = 0; using (sqlconnection conn = new sqlconnection("data source=sqlreportes;database=prueba;persist security info=true;user id=myuser;password=mypassword;multipleactiveresultsets=true;")) { conn.open(); //decimal value = decimal.parse(id3); string cmdstr = string.format("insert dbo.empdb values('{0}','{1}')", id1, id2); sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand(cmdstr, conn); success = cmd.executenonquery(); conn.close(); } return (success != 0 ? true : false); } public bool usehttpget { get; set; } } [datacontract] public class employee { [datamember] public string firstname { get; set; } [datamember] public string lastname { get; set; } [datamember] public decimal salary { get; set; } public employee(string first, string last) { firstname=first; lastname=last; //salary=sal; } }
and web.config (download here)
<services> <service name="jsonwcfservice.getemployees" behaviorconfiguration="empservicebehaviour"> <endpoint address ="" binding="webhttpbinding" contract="jsonwcfservice.igetemployees" behaviorconfiguration="web"> </endpoint> </service> </services>
well in web.config you're using contract igetemployees doesn't have definition insertemployee method need merge 2 interfaces in 1 interface , modify web.config instead of
with contract="jsonwcfservice.iemployees"
iemployees define 2 methods , post method
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