powershell - Check files on remote computers for time stamp older than X hours and export results to CSV -

we trying run script against pile of remote computers check date stamps of files in fixed folder older 12 hours , return results csv. date range needs flexible set time of 6pm yesterday move time moves on.

$computers = get-content -path computers.txt   $filepath = "c:\temp\profile" $numdays = 0 $numhours = 12 $nummins = 5    function showoldfiles($filepath, $days, $hours, $mins) {     $files = $computers @(get-childitem $filepath -include *.* -recurse | {($_.lastwritetime -lt (get-date).adddays(-$days).addhours(-$hours).addminutes(-$mins)) -and ($_.psiscontainer -eq $false)})     if ($files -ne $null)     {         ($idx = 0; $idx -lt $files.length; $idx++)         {             $file = $files[$idx]             write-host ("old: " + $file.name) -fore red         }     } }  write-output $computers, $numdays, $numhours, $nummins >> computerlist.txt 

you run follow script on of remote machines:

$computers = get-content -path computers.txt   $logfile = "\\servername\c$\logfile.txt"  $date = "12/03/2002 12:00" $limit = get-date $date  $computers | %{     $filepath = "\\$_\c$\temp\profile"      $files = $null     $files = get-childitem -path $filepath -recurse -force | `                 where-object {$_.creationtime -lt $limit }      if($files -ne $null){         "-------------------------[$($_)]------------------------">> $logfile         $files | foreach {$_.fullname >> $logfile}     } } 

this check folder given ($filepath) files older limit given. files older limit have there full file path logged in given network location $logfile.
