spring - Access-Control-Expose-Headers Configuration for Custom Response Headers AngularJS -

i'm implementing custom response headers on resource, after reading on similar question, added 'access-control-expose-headers' cors headers, must not have configured correctly.

here headers receive on request of resource: receive 'response-header' of "steve", should allowed 'access-control-expose-headers'

access-control-allow-headers:x-requested-with, request-header, response-header access-control-allow-methods:post, get, options, delete access-control-allow-origin:* access-control-expose-headers:response-header response-header:steve 

but, angular still not have access custom header. custom request-header, not custom response-header:

{   "data": {     "id": 2,     "content": "hello, frank!"   },   "status": 200,   "config": {     "method": "get",     "transformrequest": [       null     ],     "transformresponse": [       null     ],     "url": "http:\/\/localhost:8080\/greeting",     "headers": {       "accept": "application\/json, text\/plain, *\/*",       "request-header": "frank"     }   },   "statustext": "ok" } 

angular 1.3 $httpprovider.interceptor:

'use strict'; angular   .module('headerdemouiapp')   .factory('authinterceptor', function authinterceptor(nameservice) {      return {       request: handlerequest,       response: handleresponse     };      function handlerequest(config) {       if (angular.isdefined(config.headers)) {         config.headers['request-header'] = "frank";       }       return config;     }      function handleresponse(response) {       console.log('response: ' + json.stringify(response));        if (angular.isdefined(response.config.headers['response-header'])) {         var resphead = response.config.headers['response-header'];         console.log('response-header: ' + resphead);         nameservice.responsename=resphead;       }       return response;     }    }); 

and, spring version 4.1.6 @restcontroller adding header.

@restcontroller public class greetingcontroller {      private static final string template = "hello, %s!";     private final atomiclong counter = new atomiclong();      @requestmapping("/greeting")     public greeting greeting(             @requestparam(value = "name", defaultvalue = "world") string name,             httpservletresponse response,             @requestheader("request-header") string headername) {          // sets our custom response header         response.setheader("response-header","steve");          return new greeting(counter.incrementandget(),                 string.format(template, headername));     } } 

api code repo

ui code repo

thanks taking look!

issue api greetingcontroller.java

change greeting method return responseentity , use httpheaders, below

@requestmapping("/greeting")     public responseentity<greeting> greeting(@requestparam(value = "name", defaultvalue = "world") string name, @requestheader("request-header") string headername) {          multivaluemap<string, string> headers = new httpheaders();         // sets our custom response header         headers.add("response-header","steve");         return new responseentity<greeting>(new greeting(counter.incrementandget(),string.format(template, headername)), headers, httpstatus.ok);      } 

below headers response postman client

content-length → 2 content-type → text/plain;charset=utf-8 date → wed, 27 may 2015 15:53:47 gmt response-header → steve server → apache-coyote/1.1 
