Java avoiding null pointer exception in generic class -

okay here 2 aim insert in obt using generic case trying strings.when call insert method in main keep getting:

exception in thread "main" java.lang.nullpointerexception @ obtcomparable.insert( @ findtest.main( 

i found problem: since var "data" null , can't use compare.

the question: how can change "data" avoid null pointer exception(it string).

generic obtcomparable class:

public class obtcomparable<type extends comparable<type>>                          {   private boolean empty;    private type data;   private obtcomparable left;   private obtcomparable right;    public obtcomparable()   {     setempty();   }    private void setempty()   {     empty = true;     data = null;  /////////////////// problem //     left = null;     right = null;   }     private void setdata(type reqdata)   {     if (empty)     {       empty = false;       left = new obtcomparable();       right = new obtcomparable();     }     data = reqdata;   }     public void insert(type insertdata)   {     int compare = data.compareto(insertdata); /////////////// here     if (empty)       setdata(insertdata);     else if (compare < 0)       left.insert(insertdata);     else       right.insert(insertdata);   }      public boolean find(type finddata)   {     int compare = finddata.compareto(data);     if (empty)       return false;     else if (compare == 0)       return true;     else if (compare < 0)       return left.find(finddata);     else       return right.find(finddata);   }        public int compareto(obtcomparable<type> other)        { return 0; }  } // class 

test class:

public class test {   public static void main(string[] args)   {     obtcomparable<string> obt = new obtcomparable<string>();     string [] insertstrings =        new string [] { "my", "name", "is", "mark", "smith", "and", "my",                       "hobbies", "include", "films", "music", "computing" };       (int = 0; < insertstrings.length; i++)     {       obt.insert(insertstrings[i]); //////////// here       system.out.println("inserting" + insertstrings[i]);     }   } // main } // class  

in method you're referencing data before call setdata you're going problem.

a rewrite of insert around be

public void insert(type insertdata) {     if (empty)      {         setdata(insertdata);     }     else     {         int compare = data.compareto(insertdata);         if (compare < 0)             left.insert(insertdata);         else             right.insert(insertdata);     } } 

you need apply similar changes find()

you should @ optional way represent values may null. ideally, state of object set in constructor have valid object immediately.


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