c++ - std::shared_ptr in QList does not delete content on deletion -

this question has answer here:

the following places bunch of shared_ptrs containing arbitrary object in qlist. curly braces create stack, triggers deletion of list when instruction pointer leaves it. somehow shared_ptrs not deleted. why? track memory consumption in gnome-systemmonitor , htop.

{     qlist<std::shared_ptr<qchar>> l;     (int =0; i< 1024*1024*10; ++i)         l.append(std::make_shared<qchar>('h')); } qdebug() <<"done"; sleep(10); 

i tested it. same problem qsharedpointer, not regular types (non [shared] pointers).

small memory allocations come heap managed within process, not directly operating system. tools measure process's memory usage won't see them being deallocated, since memory still allocated process.


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