robotframework - info needed on "Take Screenshot" keyword to take screen shot of remote machine -

how take screen shot of remote machine. robot framework runs on host machine. system under test remote machine. have tried using remote server given in robot framework keyword "take screenshot" taking screenshot of host , not remote desktop.

i able take screen sheet of remote desktop using user defined keyword in turn using third part tool screenshot.exe explained below ... preference use inbuilt keyword "take screenshot"

"remote screenshot" user defined keyword used. keyword in turn uses third party tool screenshot.exe.

the corresponding python script along robot framework script given below . following python script runs on remote server, prerequisite , script needs launched first on remote server , start robot framework.

#begin python script import subprocess class exampleremotelibrary(object):     """example library used robot framework's remote server.      """     def remote_screenshot(self):[r'c:\rg\screenshot.exe','-o',r'c:\rg\screenshot.png'], shell = true)  if __name__ == '__main__':     robotremoteserver import robotremoteserver     robotremoteserver(exampleremotelibrary(), host = 'xx.xx.xx.xx')  #end python script 

following robot framework script.

#begin script *** settings *** library       remote    http://${address}:${port} library    screenshot  *** variables *** ${address}    xx.xx.xx.xx ${port}       8270  *** test cases ***     take screenshot     remote screenshot #end script 

i don't think able way thinking.

the way standard take screenshot keyword work on remote host setting remote library interface, have done. after need define new screenshot keyword on remote host, , use keyword, unable use local keywords on remote host.

i not bother remote library interface begin with, , instead install sshlibrary , use run terminal commands on remote host.
